(Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items)

[Updated Till 9 Nov 2019 – Amended by DGFT Ntfn 29 dated 4 November 2019]

·      General Notes to Export Policy – Goods under Restrictions

·      New Schedule 2 – Export Policy

Ø Application Form ANF 2N for Export Licence for Restricted Items

Ø Application Fee Waived by DGFT – 18-PN(RE)/28.09.2012 (DINDEX Code 1636). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Exp 49.1  General Notes to Export Policy – Goods under Restrictions

1. Free Exportability

All goods other than the entries in the export licensing schedule along with its appendices are freely exportable. The free exportability is, however, subject to any other law for the time being in force. Goods not listed in the Schedule are deemed to be freely exportable without conditions under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulations) Act, 1992 and the rules, notifications and other public notices and circulars issued there under from time to time. The export licensing policy in the schedule and its appendices does not preclude control by way of a Public Notice/Notification under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulations) Act, 1992.

Goods listed as “Free” in the Export Licensing Schedule may also be exported without an export licence as such but they are subject to conditions laid out against the respective entry. The fulfillment of these conditions can be checked by authorized officers in the course of export.

[Strikethrough words deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

2. Code does not limit the item description

The export policy of a specific item will be determined mainly by the description and nature of restriction Policy Conditions in the schedule. The code number is illustrative of classification but does not limit the description by virtue of the standard description of the item against the code in the import part of the ITC(HS) classification.

Exports shall be ‘Free’, unless regulated

(a) Exports shall be ‘Free’ except when regulated by way of ‘prohibition’, ‘restriction’ or ‘exclusive trading through State Trading Enterprises (STEs)’ as laid down in Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System) [ITC (HS)] of Exports and Imports. The list of ‘Prohibited’, ‘Restricted’ and ‘STE’ items can be viewed by clicking on ‘Downloads’ at http://dgft.gov.in.

(b) Further, there are some items which are ‘free’ for import/export, but subject to conditions stipulated in other Acts or in law for the time being in force.

[Strikethrough words deleted and bold matter inserted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

3. Classes of Export Trade Control

A. Free Goods

Goods listed as “Free” in the Export Licensing Schedule may also be exported without an export licence as such but they are subject to conditions laid out against the respective entry. The fulfillment of these conditions can be checked by authorized officers in the course of export.

B. Restricted Goods

The restricted items can be permitted for export under licence. The procedures / conditionalities wherever specified against the restricted items may be required to be complied with, in addition to the general requirement of licence in all cases of restricted items.

C. Prohibited Goods

The prohibited items are not permitted to be exported. An export licence will not be given in the normal course for goods in the prohibited category. No export of rough diamond shall be permitted unless accompanied by Kimberley Process (KP) Certificate as specified by Gem & Jewellery EPC (GJEPC).

D. State Trading Enterprises

Export through STE(s) is permitted without an Export Licence through designated STEs only as mentioned against an item and is subject to conditions in para 2.20 of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20.

E. Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipments & Technologies (SCOMET)

SCOMET Items shall be governed by the specific provisions of (i) Chapter IV A of the FT(D&R) Act, 1992 as amended from time to time (ii) Sl. No. 4 & 5 of Table A and Appendix-3 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items (iii) Para 2.16, Para 2.17, Para 2.18 of FTP and (iv) Para 2.73- 2.82 of Hand Book of Procedures, in addition to the other provisions of FTP and Handbook of Procedures governing export authorizations.

F. Restrictions on Countries of Export

Prohibitions (Country, Organisations, Groups, Individuals etc. and Product Specific) will be regulated as per provisions contained in Chapter 2 of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020, as amended from time to time.

A. Prohibited Goods

The prohibited items are not permitted to be exported. An export licence will not be given in the normal course for goods in the prohibited category. No export of rough diamond shall be permitted unless accompanied by Kimberley Process (KP) Certificate as specified by Gem & Jewellery EPC (GJEPC).

B. Restricted Goods

The restricted items can be permitted for export under licence. The procedures / conditionalities wherever specified against the restricted items may be required to be complied with, in addition to the general requirement of licence in all cases of restricted items.

C. State Trading Enterprises

Export through STE(s) is permitted without an Export Licence through designated STEs only as mentioned against an item and is subject to conditions in para 2.11 of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14.

D. Restrictions on Countries of Export

(i) Export of Arms and related material to Iraq is Prohibited. However, export of Arms and related material to Government of Iraq shall be permitted subject to ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the Department of Defence Production. [SNo. 3D(i) Substituted byNotification 67(RE)/12.02.2014].

(ii) Direct or indirect export of all items, materials, equipments, goods and technology which could contribute to Iran’s enrichment related, reprocessing or heavy water related activities, or to development of nuclear weapon delivery systems including those listed in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1 and INFCIRC/254/Rev.7/Part 2 (IAEA Documents) and items listed in S/2010/263 (UN Security Council Document) or any items related to nuclear and missile development programmes is prohibited. All the UN Security Council Resolutions/Documents and IAEA Documents referred to above are available on the UN Security Council website (www.un.org/Docs/sc) and IAEA website (www.iaea.org).

(iii) Direct or indirect export of following items, whether or not originating in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), to DPRK is prohibited:

All items, materials equipment, goods and technology including as set out in lists in documents S/2006/814, S/2006/815 (including S/2009/205), S/2009/364 and S/2006/853 (United Nations Security Council Documents) INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1a and INFCIRC/254/Rev.7/ Part 2a (IAEA documents) which could contribute to DPRK’s nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.

(iv) Export of rough diamonds to Cote d’Ivoire is prohibited in compliance to Paragraph 6 of UN Security Council Resolution(UNSCR) 1643 (2005).

(v) Export of rough diamond [ITC (HS) Code 710210, 710221 or 710231) to Venezuela shall be Prohibited in view of voluntary separation of Venezuela from the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). No Kimberley Process Certificate shall be accepted / endorsed / issued for export of rough diamond to Venezuela.

(vi) In addition to above, export to other countries will be subject to conditions as specified in Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 and Para 2.2 of the Handbook of Procedures 2009-2014 (Vol. I) and other conditions which may be listed in the title ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import items.

4. The import of human biological samples by the Indian diagnostic laboratories / Indian Clinical Research Centres for lab analysis / R & D testing or export of these materials to foreign laboratories should be permitted by Customs authorities at the port of entry / exit without prior approvals (import licence / export permit) from any other Government agency, provided the concerned Indian company / agency submits an undertaking that they are following and will follow all the applicable rules, regulations & procedures for safe transfer and disposal of the biological samples being imported / exported as per the related norms / regulations set by WHO* / DGFT** [SCOMET items in Export Policy of ITC (HS), 2012, Schedule – 2 (Export Policy)] / Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change***, Government of India, to the Customs authorities at the port of entry / exit along with the details of such samples”.

*(i) http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/149288/1/WHO_HSE_GCR_2015.2_eng.pdf?ua=1)

(ii) http://www.who.int/csr/resources/publications/biosafety/en/Biosafety7.pdf


***(i) http://envfor.nic.in/legis/env/env1.html


[DGFT Notification 19 dated 4 August 2016- General Note 4 Inserted - Human Bio Samples for Research Purposes Allowed Subject to WHO/MoEF Norms]

[General Note 3 amended and Note 4 deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Exp 49.2     Compulsory Export Certification for Food Grade Animal Products

Subject: Export of notified commodities- mandatory production of EIA Certificate

F.No. S/12-GEN- 18 /2008 AM(X)

54-PN/08         The Export Inspection Agencyunder Ministry of Commerceand Industry conveyed that thefollowingcommodities have been
11.07.2008      notified under Section 7 of the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963, under the respective standing order of EIA
                        cited against;


S.O. Number & Date



S.O. 1377 (E) dated 30th December, 02

Fresh Poultry Meat and PoultryMeat Products


S.O. 276 (E) dated 04th March 2002



S.O. 2719 dated 28th November 2000

Milk Products


S.O. 2077 dated 04th August, 1997

Egg Products

2.    As per the scheme of their notifications, export of these commodities is prohibited in the course of international trade unless it conforms to the standards applicable to the commodity under export and is accompanied by a certificate stating that the processing establishment is approved and monitored by the Export Inspection Agencies established under Section 7 of the Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963.

3.    In view of the above, export of above mentioned notified commodities is permitted only if the product are manufactured in establishmentsapproved& monitored by the Export Inspection Agencies and their consignments are covered / accompanied by a certificate of Inspection / Certificate of Export. The list of processing establishments approved by the EIAs, related GOI Notification and orders and other details relating to the standards applicable are already available as public information on the Export Inspection Council of India website http://www.eicindia.org/.

4.     The contents of this Public Notice may be brought to the notice of all the members of the trade.

Exp 49.3   Handicrafts Clarification – EPCH Certification should be the Exception

Subject: Export of handicraft and artware items under Drawback Scheme.

07-CBEC     I am directed to invite your attention to the Board circular No.03/2010-Cus dated12.02.2010 regardingclassificationofhandicraft
18.01.2011  and artware items in the Drawback Schedule. The circular clarified that the assessing authorities should normally accept
(DoR)          certificates issued by the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) / EPCH certifying the goods as artware/ handicrafts. A
                    decision to reject a certificate issued by the Development Commissioner (Handicrafts)/ EPCH should be taken only with approval of the Commissioner of Customs / Central Excise and after discussions with the certificate issuing authority. Exports should not, in the mean time, be held up. The circular also clarified that consignments of artware and handicrafts should be classified in the Drawback Schedule in accordance with condition (3) of the Drawback Schedule which provides that all artware or handicraft items shall be classified under the heading of artware or handicrafts (of constituent material) as mentioned in the relevant chapters of the Drawback Schedule irrespective of their classification under the HSN.

2.     It has been reported by Moradabad Handicrafts Exporters Association and Export Promotion Council for handicrafts (EPCH) that following issue of this circular, certificate from EPCH / Development Commissioner (Handi-crafts) is being asked for each and every consignment of artware and handicrafts. Consignments not having such certificates are necessarily examined. Further, at some field formations certification by EPCH / Development Commissioner (Handicrafts) on invoices is not accepted. Certification only on the body of the shipping bill is insisted citing the Board circular No. 56/99-Cus dated 26.08.1999.

[See Full text of the circular at WTS Issue Volume 27 No. 44 dated 26 January-01 February 2011 at www.worldtradescanner.com]

Exp 49.4   Quota Restrictions on Bhutan Exports Lifted

Export of Milk Powder, Wheat, Edible Oil, Pulses and Basmati Rice to Bhutan Permitted

[DGFT Notification No. 81 dated 13th June 2014]

Subject:- Exemption to Bhutan from the application of export bans by India on export of Milk Powder, Wheat, Edible Oils, Pulses and Non Basmati Rice.

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development& Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) read with paragraph 1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby exempts export of the following items to Bhutan from any export ban:

(i) Milk powder, (ii) Wheat, (iii) Edible oil, (iv) Pulses, (v) Non-basmati rice

2.     Effect of this Notification: Export of above items to Bhutan will be exempted from any ban and without any quantitative restrictions. This supersedes earlier Notification No. 87 of 05.12.2011 & Notification No. 104 of 05.03.2012.

Exp 49.5   Free Export of Processed and Value Added Agricultural Products where Primary Product is Restricted

[DGFT Notification No. 31 dated 4th February 2013]

Subject: Exemption to processed and/or value added agricultural products from the application of export restrictions/bans.

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby exempts, with immediate effect, the following processed and/or value added agricultural products from any export restrictions/ban:


Name of Product

Tariff Item HS Code


Wheat or Meslin flour



Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin (Maize, Oats etc.)



Cereal groats, meal pellets



Cereal grains otherwise worked except rice of heading no. 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground



Other Cereals items

1901 to 1905


Milk products including casein and casein products etc.



Butter and other fats derived from milk, dairy spread etc.



Cheese and Curd



Value added products of onion



Peanut Butter


2.     Effect of this Notification: Export of aboveprocessed and/or value added agricultural products will be exempted from any restriction / ban even in the event of restriction / ban on the export of basic farm produce.

Exp 49.6   Ceiling on Export of Organic Pulses & Lentils Enhanced to 50k MTs from 10k MTs per Annum

·         Export Allowed only from Customs EDI Ports Subject to APEDA Registration

[DGFT Notification No. 03 dated 19th April 2017]

Effect of this Notification: Export of organic agricultural and organic processed products i.e. wheat, non-Basmati rice, edible oils, sugar have been exempted from existing quantitative ceilings and any existing or future restriction/prohibition on export of their basic product (non-organic). Annual quantitative ceiling on export of organic pulses & lentils has been enhanced from existing 10,000 MTs to 50,000 MTs per annum.

Subject: Exemption from the application of quantitative ceiling and export bans on export of organic agricultural products (wheat, non-Basmati rice) and organic processed products (edible oils and sugar) and enhancement of quantitative ceiling on export of pulses & lentils.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992), as amended, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020, the Central Government hereby makes following amendments in export policy of organic agricultural products (wheat, non-Basmati rice and pulses & lentils) and organic processed products (edible oils and sugar) duly certified by Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA) as organic under the National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP):

(a) Export of following items from Customs EDI ports have been exempted from all quantitative ceilings with immediate effect irrespective of any existing or future restriction/ prohibition on export of their basic product (non-organic), with due certification by APEDA as organic under the NPOP:

(i)   organic wheat

(ii)   organic non-Basmati Rice (excluding rice in husk – Paddy or rough)

(iii) organic edible oils

(iv) organic sugar

(b) The quantitative ceiling in respect of export of organic pulses and lentils has been increased from 10,000 MT per annum to 50,000 MT per annum, duly certified by APEDA as organic pulses and lentils, with immediate effect, subject to following conditions:

(i)    Export contracts should be registered with APEDA, New Delhi prior to shipment.

(ii)   Export shall be allowed only from Customs EDI ports.


Exp 50    Export Policy – Export Goods under Restrictions
(New Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items)


Goods Falling in more than one Chapter of ITC (HS) Classification

Note 1

(i) The term “Wild Animal” and Animal Article would have the same meaning as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

Ø DGFT Notifies Procedure for Export of SCOMET Items for “Stock and Sale” and Spare Parts - 60-PN/03.02.2016 (DINDEX Code 6538). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com]



Item Description


Nature of Restriction


0106, 0208, 0210 0300, 0407, 0408, 0410, 0502, 0504, 0505, 0506, 0507, 0508, 0509, 0510, 0511, 1504, 1506, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1600, 3000

All wild animals, animal articles including their products and derivatives excluding those for which ownership certificates have been granted and also those required for transactions for education, scientific research and management under Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 including their parts and products.


Not permitted to be exported.


Deleted vide notification no.13/(2004-2009) New Delhi, dated 31.12.2004.


50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63

Dress materials/ready made garments fabrics/textile items with imprints of excerpts or verses of the Holy Quran


Exports permitted under licence.


Any Chapter -

Military Stores as specified in Export Licensing Note of Table A  -


(i) No Objection Certificate (NOC) shall be obtained from the Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi as per the provisions of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) of Department of Defence Production, as available on the website of Ministry of Defence.

(ii) The description of item in the Shipping Bill shall prefix the Serial No. of the item indicated in Export Licensing Note of Table A viz. MS 001 a or MS 001 b ........ or as the case may be.

(iii) The Shipping Bill shall indicate the number and date of NOC of Department of Defence Production.


Any chapter

Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment & Technologies (SCOMET) items as specified in Appendix-3 of this Schedule.

[SNos. 4 and 5 amended by DGFT Notification No. 05 dated 24th April 2017]

Prohibited/ Restricted

a. Exports would be governed as per the conditions indicated in Appendix-3 of this Schedule.

b. Export of items specified in the Schedule. Category 0 of the SCOMET list is governed by the extant provisions of the Atomic Energy Act 1962 as amended and rules, regulations, guidelines and resolutions issued under the said Act. Unless otherwise prohibited, export may be permitted against an authorization granted by the Department of Atomic Energy.

c. Export of items specified under the Note 2 of the 'Commodity Identification Note' of the SCOMET list would be permitted against an authorization granted by the Department of Atomic Energy.

d. Export of items specified in Category 6 of SCOMET list (Munitions List), (except those covered under Note 2 and 3 of Commodity Identification Note of the SCOMET list) is governed by the extant Standard Operating Procedure issued by the Department of Defence Production in the Ministry of Defence. Unless prohibited, export may be permitted against an authorization issued by the Department of Defence Production.

e. Export of items specified in Categories 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 of the SCOMET list is governed by the notifications, public notices and circulars issued under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act 1992 as amended. Unless otherwise prohibited (including the items covered under Note 4 of the Commodity Identification Note of the SCOMET list), export of such items may be permitted against an authorization issued by the DGFT.

[Strikethrough words deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Any Chapter

Samples/ Exhibits of goods included in Schedule 2


Samples/exhibits of goods including those in Schedule 2 of this book, except all prohibited items, and all items specified in Appendix-3 to Schedule 2 (SCOMET) , restricted items, and items in Chapter 29, 93 and 97


Any Chapter

Any other item whose exports are regulated by Public Notice issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade in this behalf


Subject to conditions as notified in the respective Public Notice


All Chapters

All Items

Prohibited/ Restricted/ Free

Export of goods including plant & plant products using wood packaging material such as pellets, dunnage, crating, packing blocks, drums, cases load boards, pellet collars and skids etc. shall be allowed subject to compliance of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures ISPM-15.



Handmade Woolen Carpets including other floor coverings like Woolen Durries, Druggets, Gabbas, Namdhas and Shaggy


Export shall not be permitted on the basis of Documents against Acceptance (D/A)


(a) Such export is covered either by Bank Guaranttee or ECGC Guarantee


(b) Such export is to own Subsidiaries/own Trading Companies/own Office-cum-warehouses.


Any chapter

Handicraft items

Free/ Restricted (as applicable)

Export shall not be permitted on the basis of Documents against Acceptance (D/A)


(a) Such export is covered either by Bank Guaranttee or ECGC Guarantee


(b) Such export is to own Subsidiaries/own Trading Companies/own Office-cum-warehouses.

This will be with effect from 01.01.2013


Any chapter

Silk Garments, Made ups, Fabrics and Accessories

[SNo. 8A to 8C inserted by 05-Ntfn(RE)/02.07.2012; SNo. 8C deleted by 14-Ntfn(RE)/28.08.2012]



DINDEX Code see details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø <Export of Handmade Woolen Carpets, Handicraft and Silk Items under DA Basis Banned, ECGC Cover or BG Shipments
Exempted –
05-Ntfn(RE)/02.07.2012(DINDEX Code 1389)>.

Ø <Silk Garments, Made ups Fabrics and Accessories Export Ban in DA Basis Withdrawn, Handicraft Items Export Ban on DA will be Effective from 1 Jan ’13 – 14-Ntfn(RE)/28.08.2012(DINDEX Code 1561)>.

Ø  SCOMET Policy Rationalised

DGFT to Issue Authorisation to Distinguish between Non-SCOMET and SCOMET Items - Revised Policy Running into 230 Pages Released - Decision within 30 Days of Application - SCOMET Records to be Maintained for Five Years [DGFT Notification No. 05 dated 24th April 2017 (DINDEX Code 7711)]

'Appendix 3' to Schedule- 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2012 contains the list of specified goods, services and technologies, i.e. Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technologies (SCOMET). Annexure to this notification contains the revised 'Appendix 3' and the same is also available in the DGFT's website www.dgft.gov.in.

SCOMET Categories in which amendments have been made are as follows:-

a) SCOMET Category 6 titled 'Munitions List' that was hitherto 'Reserved' has been populated. The Military Stores list notified vide Notification No. 115(RE-2013/2009-2014 dated 13th March 2015 stands rescinded.

b) A new SCOMET Category 8 titled 'Special Materials and Related Equipment, Material Processing, Electronics, Computers, Telecommunications, Information Security, Sensors and Lasers, Navigation and Avionics, Marine, Aerospace and Propulsion' has been added.

c) In SCOMET Category 18 and 1C, amendments have been made. SCOMET Category 10 titled 'Other Chemicals' has been added.

d) SCOMET Category 2 has been substituted with amended and new entries.

e) SCOMET Categories 30001 to 30005 have been substituted by entries 30001 to 30015.

f) Categories 3A201, 3A303, 3A309, 4A003, 4A007, 4A017, 48006, SA102, SA20S have been substituted with amended and new entries.

g) SCOMET Category 7C has been deleted.

4. This notification shall come into force on the 1st of May, 2017.

Exp 50.0  Maldives Exports

Maldives Quota for Food in 2019-20 without Export Restrictions for Whole Year Released

[Ref: DGFT Notification No. 04/2015-2020 Dated 07 May 2019]

Effect of this notification: Export of Potatoes, Onions, Rice, Wheat Flour, Sugar, Dal and Eggs has been permitted to the Republic of Maldives under bi lateral trade agreement between Government of India and Government of Maldives during the period 2019-20 w.e.f. April, 2019 as per the quantities indicated in the Table at Para 1 above. The export of above items to Republic of Maldives will be exempted from any existing or future restriction/ prohibition on export.

Subject: Supply of essential commodities to the Republic of Maldives during 2019-20

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992), as amended, read with paragraph 1.02 and 2.01 of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020, the Central Government hereby allow the following quantities of Potatoes, Onions, Rice, Wheat Flour, Sugar, Dal and Eggs for export to the Republic of Maldives under bilateral trade agreement between Government oflndia and Government of Maldives during the period 2019-20:-



Sl. No.





15,492.36 MT



25,744.26 MT



89,454.22 MT


Wheat Flour

78,612.26 MT



46,444.74 MT



161.65 MT




2. Export of the above items shall be exempted from any existing or future restriction/prohibition during the period 2019-20 to the Republic of Maldives.



Table - B

Goods Falling Within Specific Chapters of ITC (HS) Classification

Chapter 1

Live Animals

Note 1 The term “Cattle” covers cows, oxen, bulls and calves

Note 2 Export of wild animals and their products as defined in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 including their part prohibited. See restrictions in Part A for details.

Note 3 Germplasm of cattle is classified in heading 0511


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


0101 21 00
0101 29 10
0101 29 90
0101 10 00, 0101 90 90


Live Horses – Kathiawari, Marwari and Manipuri breeds


Exports permitted under licence.


0102 21 10, 0102 21 20, 0102 29 10, 0102 29 90, 0102 31 00, 0102 90 10, 0102 90 90

0102 10 10, 0102 10 20, 0102 10 30, 0102 10 90, 0102 90 10, 0102 90 20


Live Cattle and buffaloes


Exports permitted under licence.


0106 13 00
0106 19 00


Camel and other camelids (Camelidae)


Exports permitted under licence


0106 31 00, 0106 32 00, 0106 33 00, 0106 39 00


Live exotic birds except the following species of exotic birds, policy of which is indicated against each


Not permitted to be exported

[SNos. 9 to 12 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


0106 32 00


(i) Albino budgerigars


Subject to pre-shipment inspection


0106 32 00


(ii) Budgerigars


Subject to pre-shipment inspection


0106 39 00


(iii) Bengali finches


Subject to pre-shipment inspection


0106 39 00


(iv) White finches


Subject to pre-shipment inspection


0106 39 00


(v) Zebra finches


Subject to pre-shipment inspection


0106 39 00


(vi) Jawa sparrow


Exports permitted under license.

A certificate from the Chief Wildlife warden of the concerned State from where exotic birds (Jawa Sparrow) have been procured to the effect that the birds to be exported are from Captive Bred Stock. Exports if allowed shall be subject to pre-shipment inspection and CITES certificate.

Chapter 2

Meat and Edible Meat Offal

Note 1 Beef includes meat and edible offal of cows, oxens and calf

Note 2 Offal includes heart, liver, tongue, kidneys and other organs.

Note 3 The export of chilled and frozen meat shall be allowed subject to the provision specified to the gazette notification on raw meat (chilled and frozen) under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963. Offals of buffalo too are subject to the same conditions of quality control and inspection. Laboratories duly recognized by APEDA , as well as in-house laboratories attached under the abattoirs cum meat processing plant registered with APEDA and Agency approved labs, may also be used to conduct the necessary tests for confirmation of quality under the supervision of the designated veterinary authority of the State. On the basis of these test and inspections carried out by Veterinarians, duly registered under the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, employed by the exporting unit and supervised by the designated veterinary authority of the state, the veterinary Health Certificate may be issued by the designated authorities of the state.

Note 4 Export of canned meat products shall be subject to preshipment inspection either by the State Directorate of Animal Husbandry or Export Inspection Agency or Directorate of Marketing and Inspection Government of India or Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) in accordance with either the standards prevalent in the exporting country or standards prescribed under the Meat Food Products Order, 1973 under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 or orders made thereunder.

Note 5 Exports of gonads and other reproductive organs of buffaloes and the germplasm of cattle and buffaloes in heading 0511 require an export licence.

Note 6 Export of meat and meat products will be allowed subject to the exporter furnishing a declaration, attached with copies of valid APEDA Plant Registration Certificate(s) to the customs at the time of export that the above items have been obtained / sourced from an APEDA registered integrated abattoir or from APEDA registered meat processing plant which sources raw materials exclusively from APEDA registered integrated abattoir/abattoir.

Note 7 On the cartons for export of meat, the following details shall compulsorily be mentioned:-

(i) Name of the Product.

(ii) Country of Origin

(iii) APEDA Plant Registration No.

(iv) Name of the exporter.

Note 8 The designated veterinary authority of the State where meat processing unit is located, may issue the certificate on the basis of the inspections carried out by Veterinarians duly registered under the Indian Veterinary Council Act 1984 employed by the exporting unit and supervised by the designated veterinary authority of the State. The Inspection Fee prescribed under the Export of Raw Meat (Chilled/Frozen) (Quality control and Inspection) Rules, 1992 shall continue to be paid by the exporting unit to the Agency as currently applicable.


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


0201 10 00, 0201 20 00, 0201 30 00, 0202 10 00, 0202 20 00, 0202 30 00


Beef of cows, oxen and calf


Not permitted to be exported




Meat of buffalo (both male and female) fresh and chilled.




0201 10 00


Carcasses and half carcasses


Not permitted to be exported.


0201 20 00


Other cuts with bone in.


Not permitted to be exported




Meat of buffalo (both male and female) frozen




0202 10 00


Carcasses and half carcasses


Not permitted to be exported.


0202 20 00


Other cuts with bone in


Not permitted to be exported.


0201 30 00,

0202 30 00


Boneless meat of buffalo (both male and female) fresh and chilled

Boneless meat of buffalo (both male and female) frozen


1. Export allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.

2. Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 and 8 above are required to be fulfilled.


0204 10 00, 0204 21 00, 0204 22 00, 0204 23 00, 0204 30 00, 0204 41 00, 0204 42 00, 0204 43 00


Meat of Indian sheep


Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.


0204 50 00


Meat of Indian Goat.


Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.


0206 10 00, 0206 21 00, 0206 22 00, 0206 29 00, 0210 20 00


Beef in the form of offal of cows, oxen and calf


Not permitted to be exported


0206 10 00, 0206 21 00, 0206 22 00, 0206 29 00, 0210 20 00


Offal of buffalo except gonads and reproductive organs


1. Export allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.

2. Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 and 8 above are required to be fulfilled.


0206 80 10, 0206 90 10


Offal of Indian sheep


Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.


0206 80 10, 0206 90 10


Offal of Indian Goat


Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.


Chapter 3

Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and other Aquatic Invertebrates

Note 1 The term “Marine Products” in this Chapter covers all the eight digit Exim Codes in the Chapter of the ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import items. All marine species that have been included in the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 are prohibited for exports and other species listed in CITES are subject to the provisions of the CITES.


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


0300 00 00


Marine species and products except the following


Subject to preshipment quality inspection as may be specified by the Government through a notification


0300 00 00


Those species (and their parts, products and derivatives) mentioned in the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.


Not permitted to be exported.


0302 89 30, 0303 89 50
0302 69 30, 0303 79 50


Fresh or Chilled or Frozen silver pomfrets of weight less than 300 gms.


Exports permitted under licence.


0303 79 99




Not permitted to be exported irrespective of its size.


0302 92 10

0305 71 00


Shark fins of all species of shark


Not permitted to be exported
[SNo. 31A inserted -
Shark Fins Export Banned by 110-Ntfn(RE)/06.02.2015 (DINDEX Code 5672)]


0306 11 00, 0306 12 10, 0306 12 90, 0306 31 00, 0306 32 00, 0306 21 00, 0306 22 00


Lobsters except undersized ($) rock lobster and sand lobster variety below




0306 11 00, 0306 31 00, 0306 21 00


Rock Lobster:

Panulirus polyphagus 300 gm as whole chilled live or frozen, 250 gm as whole cooked; 90 gm as tail


Not permitted to be exported


0306 11 00, 0306 31 00, 0306 21 00


Panulirus homarus 200gm as whole live, chilled or frozen, 170 gm as whole cooked, 50 gm as tail


Not permitted to be exported


0306 11 00, 0306 31 00, 0306 21 00


Panulirus Ornatus 500gm as whole live/chilled or frozen; 425 gm as whole cooked; 150gm as tail


Not permitted to be exported


0306 12 10, 0306 12 90, 0306 32 00 0306 22 00


Sand Lobster:

Thenusorientalis 150 gm as whole; 45 gm as tail

[SNos. 31A and 32 to 36 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Not permitted to be exported

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 3

Note 1 A consignment/ lot is considered to be undersized if it contains specified species any piece of which has a weight less than that indicated against the species or has been processed out of or obtained from individual pieces of the species weighing less than the minimum weight indicated against the species.

Note 2 “as tail” means without head.

Chapter 4

Dairy produce; bird's eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included

Note 1 The expression “milk” means full cream milk of partially or completely skimmed milk


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


0409 00 00


Natural Honey


Export of honey to USA and European Union (EU) shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:

1. Honey exported shall be ‘wholly obtained’ Indian origin honey only, and;

2. No blending of Indian honey shall be permitted with honey originating from any other country.”




Milk and Cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter including skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, dairy whitener and infant milk foods; but not skimmed milk powder

Prohibited Free

Not permitted to be exported


0402 10 10


Skimmed Milk Powder

[SNo. 38 amended and 38.01 inserted by 02-Ntfn(RE)/08.06.2012; 25-Ntfn(RE)/22.11.2012]



DINDEX Code see details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø <DGFT Focuses on SMP Exports – Free Exports and Grants 5% VKGUY – 02-Ntfn(RE)/08.06.2012(DINDEX Code 1319)>

Ø <Concentrated Milk/SMP Exports in 0402 Freed – 25-Ntfn(RE)/22.11.2012 (DINDEX Code 1777)>

Note 1 Export of 1600 MTS of Milk Powder per annum to Bhutan (as per Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December) will be exempted from any export ban.

Note 1 Transitional arrangements under para 1.5 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14 shall not be applicable on export of milk powders(including skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, dairy whitener and infant milk foods.

Note 2 Export consignments of milk powders (including skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, dairy whitener and infant milk foods), which were handed over to customs for examination and export on or before 18.02.2011 will be allowed for export.

[Note 1 and 2 deleted and Note 3 renumbered as Note 1 by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Chapter 5

Products of Animal Origin

Note 1 Export of wild animals and their parts and products as covered in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and CITES are prohibited and other species listed in CITES are subject to the provisions of the CITES. See restrictions in Table A for detail.

Animal By-Products Exports, Govt Body Health Certificate Required in Addition to CAPEXIL for EU Exports – SNos. 38A, 40, 41, 41A Substituted by 34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 (DINDEX Code 7492)

S. No.

Tariff Items HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction





Pig Bristles & Hair

[HS Code 0502 10 20 inserted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Export allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (Name of the port) and destination.

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Production Process Certificate" and/or 'Health Certificate' to the buyer consignment-wise, to be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.


Ø Export of Bristles and Hair of Pig to EU Subjected to Health Certificate from CAPEXIL [Inserted by DGFT Notification No. 83 dated 20th June 2014 (DINDEX Code 5170)]




0506 10 49, 0511 99 99


Human skeletons


Not permitted to be exported.




Bone and Bone Products, horn and horn products hooves and hoof products

Bile, whether or not dried : Glands and Other products sourced only from Buffalo used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products, fresh, chilled, frozen or otherwise provisionally preserved including, Placenta, Sodium tauroglycocholate, Bezoar, Goolochan, Gallstone, etc.


Export allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions (excluding bone meal, horn meal and hoof meal) :

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a "Production Process Certificate" and/or "Health Certificate" consignment-wise, to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.








05061019 05061029 05061039 05061049 05069019 05069099 05119999


Bone and bone products, including Ossein intended to be used for Human Consumption


Export allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions :

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a "Production Process Certificate" and/or "Health Certificate" consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.




Dried Silk Worm Pupae


Export allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions :

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.


Ø Dried Silk Worm Pupae to EU Allowed Subject to Health Certificate and Plant Approval thru CAPEXIL [Inserted by DGFT Notification No. 95 dated 22nd October 2014 (DINDEX Code 5464)]




0505 90 10


Peacock Tail Feathers


Not permitted to be exported.


0511 99 99


Handicrafts and articles of peacock tail feathers


Not permitted to be exported.


0506 10 41, 0506 10 49, 0507 90 40


Shavings of Shed Antlers of Chital and Sambhar


Not permitted to be exported.


0511 99 99


Manufactured Articles of shavings of shed antlers of chital and sambhar


Not permitted to be exported.


0508 00 20


Sea shells, including polished sea shells and handicrafts made out of those species not included in the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.


Export permitted freely


0508 00 30


Sea shells, including polished sea shells and handicrafts made out of those species included in CITES

(Excluding the species mentioned in Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972).


Export to be governed by CITES Regulations.


0508 00 50


Sea shells, including polished sea shells and handicrafts made out of those species included in the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.


Not permitted to be exported


0511 99 91, 0511 99 99, 3001 10 91, 3001 10 99, 3001 20 90, 3001 90 99


Gonads and other reproductive organs of buffaloes

[HS Code amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Exports permitted under licence.


0511 10 00, 0511 99 91, 0511 99 99, 3001 10 91, 3001 10 99, 3001 20 90, 3001 90 99


Germplasm of cattle and buffaloes

[HS Code amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Exports permitted under licence.

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 5

Note 1 The handicrafts made out of bone and horn products as finished products and not exported for further processing and not intended for human or animal consumption are not covered under at S. No. 40 and 41 of this Chapter.

Chapter 6

Live Trees and other Plants; Bulb, Roots and the Like; Cut Flowers and Ornamental Foliage

Note 1 Planting material of a kind used for propagation and classified in heading 0601 and heading 0602 are subject to restriction on export. See chapter 12 for detail. Certain plants like cashew plants too are restricted for exports. The detail of this too is in Chapter 12.


Chapter 7

Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots and Tubers

Note 1 Reference to onions in this chapter includes onions fresh or chilled frozen, provisionally preserved or dried.


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


0701 9000


Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled


Export of Potatoes, Fresh or Chilled at Serial Number 50A of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classifi cation of Export & Import Items shall be permitted without any Minimum Export Price (MEP).


47-Ntfn/31.01.2018 – Nature of Restriction deleted]

32-Ntfn/27.12.2016 - MEP on Potatoes Withdrawn

15-Ntfn/26.07.2016 - MEP of $360/MT on Potatoes Re-introduced

SNo. 50A Inserted by 85-Ntfn(RE)/26.06.2014; Nature of Restriction deleted by 112-Ntfn(RE)/20.02.2015]




0703 10 10, 0712 20 00


Onion (all varieties expect Bangalore rose onions and Krishnapuram onions) excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form.



Export policy of onion for the item description at Serial Number 51 & 52 of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) classification of Export & Import Items is amended from free to prohibited till further orders.

Export of onion for the item description at Serial Number 51 & 52 of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of lTC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items shall be permitted without any Minimum Export Price (MEP) till further orders. only on Letter of Credit (LC) subject to a Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US$700 850 F.O.B. per Metric Ton till 20.02.2018 20.01.2018

Export of onion for the item description at Serial Number 51 & 52 of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items shall be permitted without any Minimum Export Price (MEP).


0703 10 10, 0712 20 00


Bangalore rose onions and Krishnapuram onions excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form



Export of Bangalore Rose onions against SI. No 52 of Chapter 7, ITC (HS) Export Policy, 2018 shall be allowed for export upto quantity of 9,000 MT subject to the following conditions:

I.   The export shipment of Bangalore Rose Onion shall be allowed only through Chennai port and export to be completed by 30th November, 2019.

II.  An exporter shall have to get a certificate from the Horticulture Commissioner, Government of Karnataka certifying the item and the quantity of Bangalore Rose Onion to be exported.

Ill. The certificate shall be registered by the exporter at the Office of Additional DGFT, Bangalore.

IV. The office of Additional DGFT, Bangalore shall monitor the total quantity being allowed for exports and issue registration certificate based on the quantity of Bangalore Rose Onion allowed for export by Horticulture Commissioner, Government of Karnataka.

V.  The Customs Authorities at the Chennai port will allow export of Bangalore Rose Onion on the basis of Certificate from Horticulture Commissioner and registration certificate from Office of Additional DGFT, Bangalore.

Export policy of onion for the item description at Serial Number 51 & 52 of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) classification of Export & Import Items is amended from free to prohibited till further orders.

Export of onion for the item description at Serial Number 51 & 52 of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of lTC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items shall be permitted without any Minimum Export Price (MEP) till further orders. only on Letter of Credit (LC) subject to a Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US$700 850 F.O.B. per Metric Ton till 20.02.2018 20.01.2018

Export of onion for the item description at Serial Number 51 & 52 of Chapter 7 of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export & Import Items shall be permitted without any Minimum Export Price (MEP).




All Varieties of Onions Export Permitted without any MEP of LC w.e.f 2 Feb 2018 – DGFT Clarifies

[Policy Circular No. 04/ 2015-20 dated 26 February 2018]

Subject: Clarification regarding export policy of onions- Removal of Minimum Export Price (MEP) and Letter of Credit (LC)

DGFT has received representations from exporters of onions stating that Customs is not allowing export of onions without LC (Letter of Credit) despite DGFT Notification No. 48/2015-20 dated 02.02.2018 removing MEP and LC on export of onions.

2. The matter has been examined and it is informed that the DGFT vide the aforementioned Notification dated 02.02.2018 had substituted Para 2 of its earlier Notification No. 39 dated 23.11.2017, which provides that "export of all varieties of onions will be allowed only on Letter of Credit (LC) subject to a Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US$ 850 F.O.B. per Metric Ton till 31.12.2017", which was further extended upto 20.02.2018 with revised MEP of USD 700 PMT.

3. Since Para 2 of the Notification No. 39 dated 23.11.2017 has been substituted vide Notification No. 48/2015-20 dated 02.02.2018, the requirement of MEP and LC, both stands removed till further orders.

4. In view of the above, it is clarified that export of all varieties of onions are permitted for export without any MEP or LC w.e.f. 02.02.2018 till further orders.

5. This issues with the approval of competent authority.






[27-Ntfn/28.10.2019 – Bangalore Rose Onions Export upto 9000 MT Allowed till 30 Nov 2019;
21-Ntfn/29.09.2019 – SNo. 52 amended, Onion Exports Prohibited “Till Further Orders”;
MEP ($700) Removed on Onions Export by 48-Ntfn/02.02.2018;

MEP on Onions Cut to $700/MT FOB from $850/MT - Measure Extended for One More Month Till 20 Feb 2018 - Notification No. 45 /2015-2020 dated 19 January 2018;

Onion Export Extended by Three Weeks to 20 January 2018 - Notification No. 43/2015-2020 dated 29 December 2017;

Notification No. 39 /2015-2020 dated 23 November 2017- Onion Export Restriction Return, Export Allowed only on LC subject to MEP of $850 per MT Introduced till 31 Dec 2017;

MEP ($400/MT) Removed on Onions Export - 29-Ntfn/24.12.2015 (DINDEX Code 6423).




0712 20 00


Onions (of all varieties) in cut, sliced- or broken in powder form.



Export Licensing Note of Chapter 7

 *List of State Trading Enterprises (STEs) for export of onion. – Omitted by Notifcation No. 51(RE-2007)/2004-09 dated 14.11.2007

Ø Onion Export Restriction Return, Export Allowed only on LC subject to MEP of $850 per MT Introduced till 31 Dec 2017 - Notification No. 39 /2015-2020 dated 23 November 2017

Ø Onion Export Extended by Three Weeks to 20 January 2018 - Notification No. 43 /2015-2020 dated 29 December 2017

Ø [Onion exports prohibited by DGFT Notification 13(RE) dated 22.12.2010; 24(RE)/18.02.2011 – Onion Export restriction return, MEP of $600/MT introduced, MEP reduced to US$450 per MT FOB by DGFT notification 29-(RE)/01.03.2011]; Onion exports prohibited by DGFT Notification 73(RE) dated 09.09.2011; DGFT removes export ban on onions subject to MEP of US$ 475/MTon 20.09.2011 vide notification 75-RE/20.09.2011]

Ø Onions Export Allowed without MEP  by DGFT Notification No. 116 dated 8th May 2012

Ø MEP on Onions Back at US$650 per MT -35-Ntfn(RE)/14.08.2013 (DINDEX Code 4320)

Ø MEP on Onions Raised to US$900/MT from US$650/MT - 41-Ntfn(RE)/19.09.2013 (DINDEX Code 4441)

Ø MEP on Onions Raised to US$1150/MT from US$900/MT - 49-Ntfn(RE)/01.11.2013 (DINDEX Code 4544).

Ø MEP on Onion Cut to US$800/MT from US$1150/MT - 57-Ntfn(RE)/16.12.2013 (DINDEX Code 4678).

Ø MEP on Onions Cut to US$350/MTs from US$800/MTs - 59- Ntfn(RE)/19.12.2013 (DINDEX Code 4696).

Ø MEP on Onions Cut to US$150 from US$350/MTs - Great Fall from $900 on 14 Aug 2013 - 61-Ntfn(RE)/26.12.2013 (DINDEX Code 4712).

Ø MEP on Onion Export Lifted - 72-Ntfn(RE)/04.03.2014 (DINDEX Code 4931).

Ø Onion Export Thru NAFED Decanalised, Free Export without MEP - 73-Ntfn(RE)/12.03.2014 (DINDEX Code 4946).

Ø MEP on Onions Back at US$300 per MT - 82-Ntfn(RE)/17.06.2014 (DINDEX Code 5158).

Ø MEP on Onions Raised to US$500/MT from US$300 per MT - 86-Ntfn(RE)/02.07.2014.

Ø MEP on Onions Return to US$300 per MT from $500 per MT - 91-Ntfn(RE)/21.08.2014 (DINDEX Code 5304).

Ø Potato Export Shifted to Free List, MEP Withdrawn – 112-Ntfn(RE)/20.02.2015 (DINDEX Code 5712). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø MEP on Onions Cut to US$250/MTs from US$300/MTs 02-Ntfn /2015-2020 dated 7 April 2015 (DINDEX Code 5827)

Ø MEP on Onions Raised to $425/MTs from $250/MTs - 13-Ntfn(RE)/26.06.2015 (DINDEX Code 6021)

Ø MEP on Onions Including Bangalore Rose Hiked by 66% to $700/MT or Rs. 42 per kg from $425/MT - 18-Ntfn/24.08.2015 (DINDEX Code 6138)

Ø MEP on Onions including Bangalore Rose Cut to $400/MT from $700/MT - 26-Ntfn/11.12.2015 (DINDEX Code 6402)

Ø MEP ($400/MT) Removed on Onions Export - 29-Ntfn/24.12.2015 (DINDEX Code 6423).


Ø Roasted Chana Exports in 1 kg Consumer Packs Allowed - 31-Ntfn/20.01.2016  (DINDEX Code 6498)

Ø Moong, Toor Dal and Urad Export Ban Lifted  - Notification No. 28 /2015-2020 dated 15 September 2017 – (DINDEX Code 8047)

Ø All Pulses Freed from Export Licensing - Pre-registration with DGFT Must for Export thru Land Customs - Notification No. 38 /2015-2020 dated 22 November 2017 (DINDEX Code 8322)




Dried Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled, whether or not skinned or split


Export shall be through Custom EDI ports. However, export through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Nepal border shall also be allowed subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. Regional Authorities (RAs) in Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.

[SNo. 54 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


0713 10 00


Peas (Pisumsativum)



0713 20 00


Chickpeas (garbanzos)



0713 31 00


Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek



0713 32 00


Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis)



0713 33 00


Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)



0713 34 00


Bambara beans (Vigna subterranea or Voandzeia subterranea)



0713 35 00


Cow peas (Vigna unguiculata)



0713 39





0713 39 10


Guar seeds



0713 39 90





0713 40 00





0713 50 00


Broad beans (Vicia faba var major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var equine, Vicia faba var minor)



0713 60 00


Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan)



0713 90





0713 90 10





0713 90 90







Dried Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled, whether or not skinned or split


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 10 00


Peas (Pisumsativum)


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 20 00


Chickpeas (garbanzos) Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 31 00


Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek


(i) The export of pulses will be allowed only after registration of contracts with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA);

(ii) Export shall be through Custom EDI ports;

(iii) However, export through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo- Bangladesh and Indo- Nepal border shall also be allowed subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. Regional Authorities (RAs) in Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.


0713 32 00


Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vignaangularis)


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 33 00


Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 39




Not permitted to be exported.


0713 39 10


Guar seeds


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 39 90




Not permitted to be exported.


0713 40 00




Not permitted to be exported.


0713 50 00


Broad beans (Viciafabavar major) and horse beans (Viciafabavar equine, viciafabavar minor)


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 60 00


Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan)/ Toor Dal


(i) The export of pulses will be allowed only after registration of contracts with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA);

(ii) Export shall be through Custom EDI ports;

(iii) However, export through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo- Bangladesh and Indo- Nepal border shall also be allowed subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. Regional Authorities (RAs) in Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.


0713 90




Not permitted to be exported.


0713 90 10


Tur (arhar)


Not permitted to be exported.


0713 90 10


Toor  Dal (Split)


(i) The export of pulses will be allowed only after registration of contracts with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA);

(ii) Export shall be through Custom EDI ports;

(iii) However, export through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo- Bangladesh and Indo- Nepal border shall also be allowed subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. Regional Authorities (RAs) in Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.








0713 90 91




Not permitted to be exported.


0713 90 99




Not permitted to be exported.

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 7

[Note: 1 Deleted by DGFT Notification No. 73 dated 12.03.2014]

Note 2 (i) The prohibition shall not be applicable to export of (i)178.70 tonnes of pulses to Nepal by MMTC. (Notification No. 47 dated 12.11.2007)

(ii) Prohibition imposed vide Para 3 (i) of Notification 15 dated 27.06.2006 shall not apply to export of 1000 MTs of pulses to Bhutan. (Notification No. 10 dated 15.05.2008)

(iii) Export of following quantity of pulses is allowed for export to the Republic of Maldives under bilateral trade agreement between Government of India and Government of Maldives in exemption to the prohibition through Public Sector Undertaking (Notifiction No. 20/2015-20 dated 14.08.2017).


Quantity in MT



(i) The prohibition shall not apply to export of kabulichana (as is known by different names in different parts of the country) w.e.f. 07.03.2007.

(ii) The period of validity of prohibition on exports of Pulses (except Kabuli Chana) shall be extended upto 31.3.2013.

(iii) The transitional arrangements under Para 1.5 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009, as amended from time to time, shall not be applicable for export of Pulses.

(iv) The prohibition shall not be applicable to export of 1000 tonnes of pulses to The Republic of Mauritius by MMTC.

(v) The prohibition shall not be applicable to export of (i)178.70 tonnes of pulses to Nepal by MMTC.

(vi) Prohibition imposed vide Para 3 (i) of this Notification shall not apply to export of 1000 MTs of pulses to Bhutan.

(vii) Export of 60MTS of pulses to the Republic of Maldives permitted (Notification No.34 dt.25.03.2010).

(viii) Export of 60 MTS of pulses to Republic of Maldives through MMTC Ltd permitted

Note 3 The prohibition shall not be applicable to export of pulses to Sri Lanka executed under the specific permission granted by DGFT.

Note 4 The export of 1200 MTS of pulses to Bhutan per annum (as per Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December) will be exempted from any export ban.

Note: 5 Export of Organic pulses and lentils shall be subject to the following conditions:

(a) It should be duly certified by APEDA as being organic pulses and lentils;

(b) Export contracts should be registered with APEDA, New Delhi prior to shipment;

(c) Exports shall be allowed only from Customs EDI Ports.

Note 5 Export of 10,000 MTS of per annum of Organic pulses and lentils duly certified by APEDA from EDI ports will be permitted. Export contracts should be registered with APEDA prior to shipment.


Moong, Toor Dal and Urad Export Ban Lifted

Ø Pulses Export Quota of 290.77 MT to Maldives for Three Years Notified - DGFT Notification No. 77 dated 27th March 2014 (DINDEX Code 4980)

Ø Pulses Export Prohibition Extended beyond 31 March 2014 - 78-Ntfn(RE)/31.03.2014 (DINDEX Code 4985)

Ø Export Quota of Pulses to Maldives thru PEC Only - DGFT Public Notice No. 57 dated 9th April 2014 (DINDEX Code 5016)

[Ref: Notification No. 28 /2015-2020 dated 15 September 2017]

Effect of this Notification: Toor Dal, Moong and Urad have been made 'free' for export till further orders. The exporter will have to do prior-registration of contracts with APEDA.

Subject: Export Policy of Pulses - Removal of prohibition on export of Pulses (Toor dal, Moong and Urad) till further orders

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) (as amended from time to time) read with paragraph 2.0 I of the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) 2015-2020, the Central Government hereby amends, with immediate effect, Para 2 of Notification No.78 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 31.03.2014, as amended from time to time.

2. In supersession of Notification No. 78 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 31.03.2014, the following amendments are made, with immediate effect, against entry at Sl. No. 54, Chapter 07 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2012 :

Sl. No.

Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Existing Policy

Amended Policy

Policy Conditions


0713 60 00


Pigeon Peas (Cajanus cajan)/ Toor Dal



(i) The export of pulses will be allowed only after registration of contracts with Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA);

(ii) Export shall be through Custom EDI ports;

(iii) However, export through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo- Bangladesh and Indo- Nepal border shall also be allowed subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. Regional Authorities (RAs) in Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.


0713 90 10


Toor  Dal (Split)


0713 31 00


Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiate (L.) Wilczek


Edible Fruit and Nuts; Peel of Citrus Fruit or Melons


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction




Grapes, Fresh or Dried


Export to European Union is permitted subject to registration with APEDA.

[SNo. 54A inserted by 28-Ntfn(RE)/03.01.2013]

Ø  <Export of Grapes, Groundnuts and their Products Requires APEDA Registration– 28-Ntfn(RE)/03.01.2013 (DINDEX Code 1908)>. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

32-Ntfn/04.10.2017 – Chapter inserted

Chapter 9

Coffee, Tea, Mate and Spices


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Policy Condition


All Codes pertaining to the spices under Chapter 09 of Schedule 1 (Import Policy) of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2017


All                 Spices under Chapter 09 of Schedule 1 (Import Policy) of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2017


(a) The Spices Board India is designated as the competent authority to issue Health Certificates to European Union countries in respect of export of spices;

(b) The Spices Board India shall issue such export certification within a period of 48 to 72 hours after receiving the sample from the exporter.






Supplementary Notes:

1) "Spice" means a group of vegetable products (including seeds, etc.), rich in essential oils and aromatic principles, and which, because of their taste, are mainly used as condiments. These products may be whole or in crushed or powdered form.

2) The addition of other substances to spices shall not affect their inclusion in spices provided the resulting mixtures retain the essential character of spices and spices also include products commonly known as "masalas".

3) All future amendment I revision on classification of items, items description, HS Codes etc. of spices (except export policy) under Chapter 09, Schedule 1 (Import Policy) of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items, 2017 shall also apply for the purpose of export of spices.


Chapter 10


Note 1 Export of wild variety of wheat and paddy seed is restricted. See chapter 12 for details.


Ø <Seed Quality Rice Export under Licence, Dealer Registration under Seed Act Required - Paddy and Rough Rice Export under Restricted List - Milled Basmati and Non Basmati Rice Free - - SNos. 55, 56 and 58 amended by DGFT Notification No. 23 dated 7th October 2015 (DINDEX Code 6239>. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø MEP Dropped on Basmati Export

[DGFT Notification No. 06 dated 4thJuly 2012]

Effect of the notification: Basmati Rice can be exported without any Minimum Export Price (MEP).

Subject: Removal of Minimum Export Price (MEP) of Basmati rice.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 read with Section 3(2) of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) and also read with Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, the Central Government hereby deletes the entry at Point (ii) in the “Nature of Restriction” column [Column No. 6 of the table] against Sl. No. 57 in Chapter 10 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items relating to Basmati rice.

2.   All other conditions [Point (i); Point (iii) to (viii) in column 6 of the table against Sl. No. 57 in Chapter 10 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) book] remain unchanged.

Sl. No

Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


1006 10 1006 10 90 1006 20 00 1006 30 1006 30 10 1006 30 90 1006 40 00


Non Basmati Rice


1. Export to be made by private parties from privately held stocks. State Trading Enterprises (STEs) including M/s. NCCF & NAFED are also permitted to export privately held stocks of non-Basmati rice.

2. Export shall be through Custom EDI ports. Export is also permitted through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Nepal border subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. RAs Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.

3. Export to EU member states and other European countries permitted subject to issuance of 'Certificate of Inspection' by Export Inspection Council (EIC) I Export Inspection Agency (EIA).

[29-Ntfn/04.11.2019 - Certificate of Inspection from EIC/EIA Requires for Rice (Basmati and Non-Basmati) Exports to EU]


1006 10 10


Rice of seed quality

Restricted Free

Export permitted under license subject to following conditions:

(i) submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(a) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(b) Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

(ii) Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes. 


1006 30 20


Basmati Rice (Dehusked (Brown), semi milled, milled both in either par-boiled or raw condition).


(i) Exports allowed subject to registration of contracts with the APEDA, New Delhi;

(ii) Grain of rice to be exported shall be more than 6.61 mm of length and ratio of length to breadth of the grain shall be more than 3.5;

(iii) Export shall be through Custom EDI ports. Export is also permitted through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Nepal border subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. Regional Authorities (RAs) Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.

(iv) Exports to European Union permitted subject to pre-shipment quality inspection as may be specified by the Government through a notification;

(v) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject shipment quality certification issued by:

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore

(7) Delhi Test House; and

(8) Vimta Labs.

or any other agency as may be notified from time to time;

(vi) Exports of empty printed gunny bags with Markings indicating the product being Indian Basmati Rice, in whatever manner, are not permitted except when exported along with the consignments of Basmati Rice, in which cases also, the same shall not exceed 2% of the total number of filled gunny bags of Basmati Rice being exported;

(vii) In case of un-bagged Indian Basmati Rice being exported in bulk or in bags of 50 Kgs or above, the exports of empty printed gunny bags with Markings indicating the product being Indian Basmati Rice, in whatever manner, shall also be permitted to the extent of actual requirements considering the total quantity of the consignment and the sizes of the empty bags being exported.

(viii) Export of Basmati Rice shall not be permitted on the basis of Documents against Acceptance (D/A) unless such export is covered either by Bank Guarantee or ECGC Guarantee.

(ix) Export to EU member states and other European countries permitted subject to issuance of 'Certificate of Inspection' by Export Inspection Council (EIC) I Export Inspection Agency (EIA).

[29-Ntfn/04.11.2019 - Certificate of Inspection from EIC/EIA Requires for Rice (Basmati and Non-Basmati) Exports to EU;

18-Ntfn/01.08.2016 – SNo. 52 Amended - Basmati Rice Exports Permitted thru Non-EDI LCS on Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Nepal Border Subject to DGFT Quota Registration - DA (Documents against Acceptance) Export not Allowed from 1 Oct 2016, Guarantee from ECGC or Bank must (DINDEX Code 7085)]

Note 1 The above conditions in respect of export of Non Basmati Rice will not be applicable to exports undertaken as under:

1.1 Export of non-Basmati rice (i) under Food Aid Programme and (ii) under bi-lateral trade agreement between Government of India and Government of Maldives shall be permitted.

1.2 Export of 21,200 MTs per annum to Bhutan (as per Calendar year i.e. from 1st January to 31st December) of non-basmati rice will be exempted from any export ban.

Note 2 Export of 10,000 tons of non-basmati rice to Horn of Africa (Kenya, Somalia and Djibonti) from Central Pool Stock of FCI at economic cost of Rs.20,689.50 per ton will be permitted.

Note: 3 Export of organic non-Basmati Rice (excluding rice in husk paddy or rough) from Custom EDI ports have been exempted from all quantitative ceilings irrespective of any existing or future restriction/ prohibition on export of their basic product (non-organic), with due certification by APEDA as organic under the NPOP.

[Note 3 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Note 3 Export of 10,000 MTs of organic non-basmati rice per annum duly certified by APEDA prior to shipment from EDI ports will be permitted.

Note 4 Export of 25,000 MTs of non-basmati rice to Nepal permitted through MMTC vide Notification No.33 DT.03.03.2010 will be permitted with a maximum of 25% broken during KMS 2010-11.


1006 10 90


Other [rice in husk (paddy or rough) other than seed quality]
Paddy (of Basmati Rice in husk)

Restricted Free

Export permitted under license.




Durum wheat:


Export permitted through Custom EDI ports only. Export shall also be permitted through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo- Bangladesh and Indo-Nepal border subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. RAs Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.


1001 19 00





1001  99
1001 90





1001 99 10
1001 90 20


Other wheat



1001 99 20
1001 90 39





1001 11 00

1001 10 10


Durum Wheat of seed quality


1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(ii)Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.


1001 91 00
1001 90 10


Wheat of seeds quality


1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(ii) Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.


1001 99 20

1001 90 31


Meslin of seed quality


1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(ii)Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.


1005 10 00


Maize (corn) Seed quality


1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(ii)Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.

Sub-heading Note

The term “durum wheat” means wheat of the Triticum durum species and the Hybrids derived from the inter – specific crossing of Triticum durum which have the same number (28) of chromosomes as that species.

Note 1 Export of organic wheat from Custom EDI ports have been exempted from all quantitative ceilings irrespective of any existing or future restriction/ prohibition on export of their basic product (non-organic), with due certification by APEDA as organic under the NPOP.

Note 2 Export of 24,000 MTS of wheat per annum to Bhutan (as per Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December) shall be exempted from any export ban.

Note 1 Export of 5000 MTS of Organic wheat per annum duly certified by APEDA permitted from EDI ports.

Note 2 Export of 2,50,000 MTS of Wheat to Afghanistan from central pool stock of FCI permitted up to 31.03.2012.

[Sub-heading Note amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Chapter 11

Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction




Wheat Flour (Maida), Samolina (Rava / Sirgi), Wholemeal atta and resultant atta


Export allowed subject to limit of 6.5 lakh MTs between 03.07.2009 and 31.03.2013 and with the condition that export shall be allowed through EDI ports only.

[Strikethrough words deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Note 1 Export of the following quantities of wheat flour to Maldives shall be permitted through the PSUs indicated below:



Quantity in MTs

Wheat Flour






Quantity in MTs

Name of PSU

Wheat Flour










Chapter 12

Oils Seeds and Oleaginous Fruits; Miscellaneous Grains, Seeds and Fruit; Industrial or Medicinal Plants; Straw and Fodder

Note :- Seeds of all forestry species including Nux Vomica , Red Sanders , Rubber , Russa Grass and tufts , Sandalwood and seeds of tufts , Sandalwood and seeds of ornamental wild variety plants stand restricted for export and shall be allowed under licence and also shall be regulated according to the rules notified under Biological ( Diversity) Act, 2002.


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


0601 00 00, 0602 00 00, 1211 00 00


Seeds and planting materials other than those in the restricted category


Declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds with indication the source of procurement


1202 30 10

1202 10 00


Groundnuts (Peanuts) and their products including in-shell


(a) Export to all countries (except exports to Russian Federation) is permitted subject to registration with APEDA along with controlled Aflatoxin level Certificate issued by APEDA recognized laboratories (as updated from time to time) on their website at URL www.apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/HACCP/recognizedlaboratories.pdf

(b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore

(7) Delhi Test House; and

(8) Vimta Labs.

or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.


1202 30 90


Other Groundnut of seed quality



1202 41 10


Groundnut HPS (In shell)


(a) Export to all countries (except exports to Russian Federation) is permitted subject to registration with APEDA along with controlled Aflatoxin level Certificate issued by APEDA recognized laboratories (as updated from time to time) on their website at URL www.apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/HACCP/recognized_laboratories.pdf

(b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore

(7) Delhi Test House; and

(8) Vimta Labs.

or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.

[SNo. 66 and 67 substituted by 28-Ntfn(RE)/03.01.2013 - Export of Grapes, Groundnuts and their Products Requires APEDA Registration]

1202 41 90


Groundnut Others (In shell)

1202 42 10


Groundnut HPS Kernal Shelled, whether or not broken

1202 42 20


Groundnut Kernal others Shelled, whether or not broken

1202 42 90


Other Groundnut Shelled, whether or not broken

1202 10 10


Groundnut (of Seed Quality)

1202 10 19


Groundnut (Other)

1202 10 91


Groundnut (Other of Seed Quality)

1202 10 99


Groundnut (Other)

1202 20 10


Groundnut (Kernels, H.P.S.)

1202 20 90


Groundnut (Other)


1207 40 10


Seasame Seeds


Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore

(7) Delhi Test House; and

(8) Vimta Labs.

Or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.


1207 40 10


Sesame seeds whether or not broken of seeds quality


Export of items both at Sl. No. 68A and 68B to European Union countries shall be permitted subject to following conditions:-


1207 40 90


Other sesame seeds whether or not broken


(i) Indian Oilseeds & Produce Export Promotion Council (IOPEPC) is designated as competent authority to issue export certification.




[SNos. 68A and 68B Inserted by 37-Ntfn/2015-20 dated 03.02.2016 - Sesame Seeds Allowed for Export to EU Subject to IOPEPC Certification– w.e.f. 10.03.2016 – Amended by 39-Ntfn/11.02.2016]


(ii) The IOPEPC shall issue export certification within two working days of receiving the request from exporter subject to a ‘Certificate of Analysis’ by a NABL accredited laboratory.





(iii) The procedure for export of sesame seeds to the European Union countries has been outlined in the document ‘Procedure for Control of Contamination of Salmonella in Sesame Seeds for Export to EU’ which is available on the website of DGFT at http://dgft.gov.in/.


1001 91 00


Wheat seeds (wild variety)


Exports permitted under licence


1006 20 00


Paddy seeds (wild variety)


Exports permitted under licence


0602 20 10, 1209 99 90


Cashew seeds and plants


Exports permitted under licence


1209 29 90


Egyptian clover (Barseem) Trifoliumalaxtum seeds


Exports permitted under licence


1209 91 30


Onion Seeds


Exports permitted under licence


1209 29 00


Pepper cuttings or rooted cuttings of pepper


Exports permitted under licence


1209 99 90


Seeds of all forestry species


Exports permitted under licence


1209 29 90


Saffron seeds or corms


Exports permitted under licence


1211 90 14


Neem seeds


Exports permitted under licence


1211 90 00, 1211 90 12


Nux vomica / bark/leaves/roots powder thereof


Exports permitted under licence


1209 99 10, 1209 99 90


Seeds of all trees (excluding seeds of all forestry species), hedges, ornamental plants and flowers and vegetable seeds other than onion seeds


Exports permitted subject to a declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds and indicating the source of procurement.


0601 00 00, 0602 00 00, 1211 00 00, 0601 10 00, 0601 20 10, 0602 10 00, 0602 90 20, 0602 90 30


Plants and plant portions of wild origin, of species specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I of CITES or Export Licensing Note 1


Not permitted to be exported. Special exemption can be granted for the purpose of research, education and life saving drugs on case by case basis by DGFT, on the recommendation of Ministry of Environment & Forests.


0602 90 90


Plants and plants portions of cultivation origin of species specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I of CITES or Export Licensing Note1.


Subject to production of a Certificate of Legal Possession in favor of the exporter, issued by the DFO having jurisdiction where the exporter is situated. In case of species listed in Schedule VI of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, subject to the exporter complying with the provision of S.17A of the Act. In case of species listed in Appendix I of CITES subject registration of the nursery and appropriate CITES documentation from the Asst. Management Authority.


0602 90 90


Plants, Plant portions of wild or cultivation origin, of species specified Appendix II or III of CITES.


Subject to production of certificate of Legal Possession in favour of the exporter, issued by the DFO having jurisdiction where the exporter is situated. Export subject to CITES.


0602 90 90


Plants, plant portions of wild or cultivation origin, of species not specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I, II, III of CITES or Export Licensing Note 1.


Subject to obtaining a Certificate of cultivation from District Agriculture Officer or District Horticulture Officer or DFO”.


3003 41 00 3003 42 00 3003 43 00 3003 49 00 3003 90 11, 3003 90 12, 3003 90 13, 3003 90 14, 3003 90 15, 3004 90 11, 3004 90 12, 3004 90 13, 3004 90 14, 3004 90 15


Derivatives, extracts and formulations


Subject to the provisions of Wile Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and CITES”


1212 29 10, 1212 29 90
1212 20 10, 1212 20 90


Sea weeds of all types, including G-edulis but excluding brown sea weeds and agarophytes of Tamil Nadu Coast origin in processed form


Exports permitted under licence.


1212 29 90
1212 20 90


Brown sea weeds and Agrophytes excluding G-edulis of Tamil Nadu coast origin in processed form

[SNo. 84, 85 and 86 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Exports allowed subject to quantitative ceilings as may be notified by DGFT from time to time

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 12

Note 1

1. Baddomes cycad (Cycasbeddomei).

16. Pterocarpus santalinus (Redsanders).

2. Blue vanda (Vanda coerulea).

17. Taxus Wallichiana (Common Yew or Birmi Leaves).

3. Saussureacostus.

18. Aquilariamalaccensis (Agarwood).

4. Ladies slipper orcid (Paphiopedilium species).

19. Aconitum species.

5. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes Khasiana).

20. Coptisteeta.

6. Red vanda (Renantheraimschootiana).

21. Cosciniumfenestrum (Calumba wood).

7. Rauvolifiaserpentina (Sarpagandha).

22. Dactylorhizahatagirea.

8. Ceropegia species.

23. Gentiana Kurroo (Kuru ,Kutki).

9. Frereaindica (ShindalMankundi).

24. Gnetum species.

10. Podophyllumhexandurm (emodi) (Indian Podophyllum.)

25. KampheriaGalenga.

11. Cyatheaceae species (Tree Ferns).

26. Nardostachysgrandiflora.

12. Cycadacea species (Cycads).

27. Panax pseudoginseng.

13. Dioscorea deltoidea (Elephant’s foot).

28. Picrorhiza kurrooa.

14. Euphorbia species (Euphorbias).

29. Swertia chirata (Charayatah).

15. Orchidaceae species (Orchids).


Note 2 (i) However, in respect of CITES species, a CITES permit of export shall be required.

(ii) Exports allowed only through the Ports of Mumbai, NhavaSheva, Kolkata, Cochin, Delhi, Chennai, Tuticorin, Amritsar, Calicut, Thiruvananthapuram, Kandla and Mundra.

Note 3 Except for the documents prescribed above, no additional informations/ NOC/ documents shall be required to be furnished by the Exporter to any authority of State or Central Government.

*The term “formulation” used here may include products, which may contain portions / extracts of plants on the prohibited list. Further the term “formulation” shall also include value added formulations as well as herbal ayurvedic, and exports subject to the provisions of CITES or Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972 in case where the formulation contains species listed therein.

Chapter 13

Lac, Gums, Resins and Other Vegetable Saps and Extracts

<Guar Gum Exports to EU – Export Inspection Agency (EIA) Lab, Chennai Allowed Testing of Penta Chlorophenol (PCP) in Addition to Vimta Labs -  31/2015-20 dated 29 September 2017 (DINDEX Code 8099)>


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


1301 10 10, 1301 10 20, 1301 10 30, 1301 10 40, 1301 10 50, 1301 10 60, 1301 10 70, 1301 10 80, 1301 10 90


Shellac and all forms of lac


(i) Registration with Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. or Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council;

(ii) Production of quality certificate from Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council.


1301 90 16


Gum Karaya


Registration with Tribal Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited (TRIFED) or Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL), Kolkata.



1302 32 20

1302 32 30


Guar gum refined split Guar gum treated and pulverized.


Guar gum exports to European Union (EU), originating in or consigned from India and intended for animal or human consumption, allowed subject to issue of Health Certificate by authorized representative of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India i.e. Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL), Kolkata accompanied by the original analytical report of testing of Penta Chlorophenol (PCP) issued by any of the following agencies certifying that product does not contain more than 0.01 mg per Kg of PCP on sampling done by the authorized representative of the competent authority:

(i) Vimta Labs, Hyderabad

(ii) Export Inspection Agency (EIA) Lab, Chennai

Chapter 14

Vegetable Plaiting Materials, Vegetable Products not elsewhere specified or included

Bamboo Certification of Origin for Exports - 15-PN/02.08.2017 (DINDEX Code 7932). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


1401 10 00


Mulli Bamboo (Melocanna bacifera)

[Entry amended by Notification 11 dated 23 June 2017]

Prohibition made 'Free' till 31.03.2019

1.   All the Muli Bamboo obtained from legal sources are permitted for export subject to proper dsocumentation/Certificate of Origin (CoO) and compliance of transit rule of concerned Stte Forest Departent for transportation.

2.   The CoO shall be issued by the concerned State Forest Department from where Muli Bamboo has been procured by the exporter.


1404 90 40


Betel Leaves

[SNo. 90A Inserted by 01-Ntfn/08.04.2016 (DINDEX Code 6736)]


(a) Export of European Union is permitted subject to registration with APEDA, the designated Competent Authority.


1401 10 00

Either Tons or Square Meter or number

Bamboo products made from bamboo obtained  from legal source; except bamboo charcoal, bamboo pulp and unprocessed bamboo shoots

[SNo. 90B inserted by Notification 11 dated 23.06.2017]


1. All the bamboo products made from bamboo obtained from legal sources are permitted for export subject to proper documentation /Certificate of Origin (CoO) proving that the bamboo used for making products has been obtained from legal sources.

2. The CoO shall be issued by the concerned State Forest Department/ Agriculture Department from where bamboo has been pre cured by the purchaser of making handicrafts/machine made products.

Chapter 15

Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Cleavage Products; Prepared Edible Fats; Animal or Vegetable Waxes


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


1501, 1501 10 00, 1501 20 00, 1501 90 00, 1502, 1502 10, 1502 10 10, 1502 10 90, 1502 90, 1502 90 10, 1502 90 20, 1502 90 90, 1503 00 00, 1505, 1505 00, 1505 00 10, 1505 00 20, 1505 00 90, 1506, 1506 00, 1506 00 10, 1506 00 90


Tallow, fat and/or oils of any animal origin excluding fish oil, buffalo tallow and Lanolin


Not permitted to be exported




Buffalo Tallow


Export permitted only from APEDA registered integrated meat plants having rendering facilities subject to compulsory pre-shipment bio-chemical test by laboratories approved by APEDA.

Export of Buffalo Tallow from Meat Plants Allowed under APEDA Supervision [Inserted by 104-Ntfn(RE)/31.12.2014 (DINDEX Code 5665)]


1505 00 90



[Lanolin Export to EU subject to Health Certificate from CAPEXIL and Dept. of Animal Husbandary – SNo. 91A inserted - Notification No. 37/2015-2020 dated 25 October 2017]


Export allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, t h e exporter s h al l also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving detail s of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination , vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandary, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.


All ITC(HS) Codes pertaining to the edible oils under Chapter 15 of Schedule 1 (Import Policy) of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items 2017

Codes pertaining to all edible oils under Chapter 15 of Schedule 1


All varieties of edible oils, except mustard oil

All Edible Oils under Chapter 15 of Schedule 1 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items


Prohibited except items indicated at Note 1 below

Not permitted to be exported

[SNo. 92 amended by DGFT Ntfn 01 dated 06.04.2018; Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Note 1 (i) Prohibition on export of edible oils has been extended till further orders [Notification No 24 (RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 19.10.2012]. But , the same shall not apply to the following : [Notification No. 43//2015-20 dated 27.03.2017]

(a) Castor Oil,

(b) Coconut oil from all EDI Ports and through all Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Nepal, Indo-Bangladesh, Indo-Bhutan and Indo-Pakistan borders.

(c) Deemed export of edible oils (as input raw material) from DTA to 100% EOUs for production of non-edible goods to be exported

(d) Edible oils from Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) to Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to be consumed by SEZ units for manufacture of processed food products, subject to applicable value addition norms

(e) Edible oils produced out of minor forest produce, ITC(HS) Code 15159010, 15159020, 15159030, 15159040, 15179010 and 15219020.

(f) Organic edible oils subject to export contracts being registered and certified as ‘Organic’ by Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

(g) Rice Bran oil in bulk, irrespective of any pack size [Notification No. 17/2015-20 dated 06.08.2015 read with Notification No. 8/2015-20 dated 18.05.2016]

(h) Groundnut oil, Sesame oil, Soyabean oil and Maize (Corn) oil in bulk, irrespective of any pack size. [Notification No. 43/ 2015-20 dated 27.03.2017]

(ii) Export of Oils produced out of minor forest produce, as per table given below, even if edible:

ITC (HS) Code

Item Description


Fixed Vegetable oils viz. Neutralised and Bleached Morwah Oil/fat, Neutralised and Bleached Kokum oil/fat, Neutralised and Bleached Sal oil/ sal fat / Stearine.


Fixed vegetable oils viz. Dhup oil, Neemseed oil


Fixed vegetable oils viz. Nigerseed oil.


Fixed vegetable oils viz. Neutralised and Bleached Mango kernel fat/oil/stearine/olein.


Sal Fat (Processed or Refined).


Shellac wax, whether or not coloured.



(iii) Export of organic edible oils from Custom EDI ports have been exempted from all quantitative ceilings irrespective of any existing or future restriction/ prohibition on export of their basic product (non-organic), with due certification as ‘Organic’ under the NPOP by Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), New Delhi. [Notification No. 03/2015-2020 dated 19.04.2017]

(iv) Export of edible oils (other than those mentioned in Note 1 above, is permitted in branded consumer packs of upto 5 Kgs, subject to a Minimum Export Price of USD 900 per MT.

(v) Prohibition will not apply to export of Peanut Butter [ITC(HS) Code 15179020]

[Note 1 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Exp 50.1   Rice Bran Oil Export in Bulk Permitted

·    Ceiling (10,000MT) on Export of Organic Edible Oil Removed – Contract Registration with APEDA Required

DGFT Clarifies Rice Bran Oil is Open for Export without Pack Size Limitation – 08-Ntfn/18.05.2016 (DINDEX Code 6848)

[DGFT Notification No 17 Dated 6th August, 2015]

Subject: Amendment in export policy of edible oils.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992), as amended, read with Para 1.02 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, the Central Government hereby amends, with immediate effect, Notification No 22(RE-2013)/2009-14 dated 18.06.2013 read with Notification No 108(RE-2013)/2009-14 dated 06.02.2015 relating to Sl. No. 92 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items.

2. Export of edible oils was initially prohibited for a period of one year with effect from 17.03.2008 vide Notification No. 85 dated 17.03.2008 which was extended from time to time. Vide Notification No. 24(RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 19th October 2012, prohibition on export of edible oil has been extended till further orders.

3. Following exemptions are permitted from the prohibition on export of edible oils:

(a) Castor oil

(b) Coconut oil from all EDI Ports and through all Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Nepal, Indo-Bangladesh, Indo-Bhutan and Indo-Pakistan borders.

(c) Deemed export of edible oils (as input raw material) from DTA to 100% EOUs for production of non-edible goods to be exported

(d) Edible oils from Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) to Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to be consumed by SEZ units for manufacture of processed food products, subject to applicable value addition norms

(e) Edible oils produced out of minor forest produce, ITC(HS) Code 15159010, 15159020, 15159030, 15159040, 15179010 and 15219020.

(f) Organic edible oils subject to export contracts being registered and certified as ‘Organic’ by Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

(g) Rice Bran oil in bulk, irrespective of any pack size.

(h) Groundnut oil, Sesame oil, Soyabean oil and Maize (Corn) oil in bulk, irrespective of any pack size.

4. Export of edible oils (other than those mentioned in para 3 of the said notification) in branded consumer packs of upto 5 Kgs is prmitted with a Minimum Export Price of USD 900 per MT. [Para 3(g) and 4 substituted by 08-Ntfn/18.05.2016; 43-Ntfn/27.03.2017]

5. The prohibition will not apply to export of Peanut Butter, ITC (HS) Code 15179020. [This already stands notified at Sl. No. 10 of the Table in Para 1 of Notification No. 31(RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 4th February, 2013]

6. Effect of this notification:

Export of Rice Bran oil in bulk has been exempted from the prohibition on export of edible oils. Also, the quantity ceiling on export of organic edible oils has been removed.

Ø  Consumer Packs of Branded Oil Export Prohibited, 10,000 tons Window Closed by DGFT Notification No. 09 dated 1stAugust 2012.

Ø  Edible Oil Export in Consumer Packs Ceiling of 10,000 MT is Independent of Exemptions to Castor Oil etc - DGFT Policy Circular No. 05/02.12.2010.

Ø  Edible Oil Export Ban Extended Indefinitely by DGFT Notification 24(RE)/19.10.2012. See full text of the circular in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Exp 50.2     Exemptions on Edible Oils Export

·      Castor Oil

·      Coconut Oil

·      DTA to EOU/SEZ

·      Minor Forest Produce

·      Peanut Butter

Ø  10,000 MTs of Organic Edible Oils Export Permitted – 39-Ntfn(RE)/25.03.2013 (DINDEX Code 3012).

Ø  Coconut Oil Exports Permitted through All LCS on Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Pak Borders in Addition to All EDI Ports – 22-Ntfn(RE)/18.06.2013 (DINDEX Code 4150).

Ø  Consumer Pack Edible Oil MEP Cut by $100 – 45-Ntfn(RE)/09.10.2013 (DINDEX Code 4480).

Ø  Consumer Pack Edible Oil MEP Cut by $300 to $1100/MT from $1400/MT - 80-Ntfn(RE)/30.04.2014 (DINDEX Code 5055).

Ø  Consumer Pack Edible Oil MEP Cut by $200 to $900/MT – 108-Ntfn(RE)/06.02.2015 (DINDEX Code 5667). See details in worldtradescanner.com.

Ø  Rice Bran Oil Export in Bulk Permitted - Ceiling (10,000MT) on Export of Organic Edible Oil Removed – Contract Registration with APEDA Required - Notification No 17 /2015-20 Dated 6 August, 2015 (DINDEX Code 6109)

[DGFT Notification No. 32 dated 5th February 2013]

Subject: Amendment in Notification No 24(RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 19th October 2012 relating to export of edible oils.

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014 (as amended from time to time), the Central Government hereby amends, with immediate effect, Notification No 24(RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 19th October 2012 relating to Sl. No. 92 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items.

2. Export of edible oils was initially prohibited for a period of one year with effect from 17.03.2008 vide Notification No. 85 dated 17.03.2008 which was extended from time to time. Vide Notification No. 24(RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 19th October 2012, prohibition on export of edible oil has been extended till further orders.

3. Following exemptions are permitted from the prohibition on export of edible oils:

(a) Castor oil

(b) Coconut oil from all EDI Ports and through all Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Nepal, Indo-Bangladesh, Indo-Bhutan and Indo-Pakistan borders.

(c) Deemed export of edible oils (as input raw material) from DTA to 100% EOUs for production of non-edible goods to be exported

(d) Edible oils from Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) to Special Economic Zones (SEZs) to be consumed by SEZ units for manufacture of processed food products, subject to applicable value addition norms

(e) Edible oils produced out of minor forest produce, ITC(HS) Code 15159010, 15159020, 15159030, 15159040, 15179010 and 15219020.

(f) Organic edible oils subject to export contracts being registered and certified as ‘Organic’ by Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA).

(g) Rice Bran oil in bulk.

4. Export of edible oils in branded consumer packs of upto 5 Kgs is permitted with a Minimum Export Price of USD 900 per MT.

5. The prohibition will not apply to export of Peanut Butter, ITC (HS) Code 15179020. [This already stands notified at Sl. No. 10 of the Table in Para 1 of Notification No. 31(RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 4th February, 2013]

6. Effect of this notification:

Export of Rice Bran oil in bulk has been exempted from the prohibition on export of edible oils. Also, the quantity ceiling on export of organic edible oils has been removed.

Exp 50.3     Free Export of Processed and Value Added Agricultural Products where Primary Product is Restricted

[DGFT Notification No. 31 dated 4th February 2013]

Subject: Exemption to processed and/or value added agricultural products from the application of export restrictions/bans.

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby exempts, with immediate effect, the following processed and/or value added agricultural products from any export restrictions/ban:


Name of Product

Tariff Item HS Code


Wheat or Meslin flour



Cereal flours other than of wheat or meslin (Maize, Oats etc.)



Cereal groats, meal pellets



Cereal grains otherwise worked except rice of heading no. 1006; germ of cereals, whole, rolled, flaked or ground



Other Cereals items

1901 to 1905


Milk products including casein and casein products etc.



Butter and other fats derived from milk, dairy spread etc.



Cheese and Curd



Value added products of onion



Peanut Butter


2.     Effect of this Notification

Export of aboveprocessed and/or value added agricultural products will be exempted from any restriction / ban even in the event of restriction / ban on the export of basic farm produce.

Chapter 16

Preparations of Meat, of Fish or of Crustaceans, Molluscs or other Aquatic Invertebrates


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction




Extracts and Juices of Meat of Buffalo, Goat and Sheep

[34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 - SNo. 92A inserted]


Export allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions :

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.



Chapter 17

Sugars and Sugar Confectionery


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


1701 00 00


(a) Sugar



(b) Sugar to EU under CXL Quota


The Certificate of Origin shall be issued by Additional DGFT, Mumbai. The exporters shall be required to furnish the details of actual exports (viz. quantity, value, destination, name & address of foreign buyer etc) to the Additional DGFT, Mumbai as well as to APEDA, New Delhi. This will be subject to quantitative ceiling notified by DGFT from time to time.

(c) Sugar to USA under TRQ


The quota will be operated by APEDA, New Delhi as per the modalities and operational guidelines to be notified by APEDA. The exporters shall be required to furnish the details of actual exports (viz. quantity, value, destination, name & address of foreign buyer etc) to APEDA, New Delhi. Certificate of Origin, if required, shall be issued by Additional DGFT, Mumbai. This will be subject to quantitative ceiling notified by DGFT from time to time.

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 17

Note 1

Pharmaceutical Grade Sugar will include; (i) Sucrose IP/BP/EP/USP/JP and (ii) Sucrose AR & LR] and Specialty Sugar [(i) Sugar cubes (ii) Sugar sachets (white & brown) (iii) Castor sugar (iv) Demerara sugar (v) Light brown sugar (vi) Icing sugar (vii) Fondant icing sugar (viii) Kathali sugar (ix) Candy sugar (x) Rainbow sugar (xi) Pearl sugar and (xii) Trimoline (invert sugar) [Notification No. 29(RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 11.01.2013]

Note 2

Export of organic sugar from Custom EDI ports have been exempted from all quantitative ceilings irrespective of any existing or future restriction/ prohibition on export of their basic product (non-organic), with due certification by APEDA as organic under the NPOP. [Notification No. 03/2015-2020 dated 19.04.2017]

[Note 1 and 2 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

[SNo. 93 amended by 117-Ntfn(RE)/ 14.05.2012; 29-Ntfn(RE)/11.01.2013; 03-Ntfn(RE)/20.04.2015; 20-Ntfn/07.09.2015 ]

Ø <Sugar Export Authorisation by Sugar Directorate Dropped, only DGFT Registration Required– 117-Ntfn(RE)/14.05.2012(DINDEX Code 1255)>.

Ø <Sugar Mills Supplying Sugar to an RC Holder Must Intimate DGFT - 08-Pol.Cir/24.12.2012 (DINDEX Code 1868)>.

Ø <DGFT Releases 10,000 MT Sugar Quota for EU to ISGEC - 39-PN(RE)/19.12.2012 (DINDEX Code 1862)>.

Ø <No DGFT Registration for Pharma Grade and Speciality Sugar Exports – 29-Ntfn(RE)/11.01.2013 (DINDEX Code 1921)>.

Ø <Restriction of 10,000 tonnes per Year on Organic Sugar Export Removed – 88-Ntfn(RE)/04.07.2014 (DINDEX Code 5216)>. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø <Sugar Directorate Release Order Not Required for Sugar Export under Advance Authorisation – 15-Ntfn(RE)/05.06.2013 (DINDEX Code 4110>. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø Quota Sugar Export to EU and USA on Free List Subject to APEDA Control and Ceiling - 03-Ntfn(RE)/20.04.2015 (DINDEX Code 5839)

Ø Sugar Exports – Registration of Quantity with DGFT Not Required, APEDA Registration Continue - 20-Ntfn/07.09.2015 (DINDEX Code 6168)

Exp 50.4     US Sugar Quota Open, DGFT Exhorts Exporters to Avail Opportunity

[DGFT Trade Notice No. 02 dated 13th April 2017]

Subject: Allocation of additional quantity (non-country specific) for export of sugar to USA under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ).

USDA Foreign Agriculture Service has increased the non-country specific Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) for refined sugar to 2,02,000 MTRV (metric tons raw value) by adding another 40,000 MTRV of speciality sugar, which is available for exporters from all WTO countries for the US fiscal year 2017 (October 1, 2016 to September 30, 2017). The additional quantity of speciality sugar is not a country specific quota and will be operated by USDA authorities on First-Come, First-Serve (FCFS) basis.

2. For the Fiscal year 2017, quota for one tranch i.e. July 7 of the speciality sugar under TRQ is still available. As there is stiff competition among suppliers, the quota of speciality sugar fills immediately. Therefore, Indian supplier (s) are advised to identify a US company with presence in the US who is supposed to apply to USDA for tariff free quota. The trade may access the details from the following links:

(i) https://www.fas.usda.gov/newsroom/usda-increases-fiscal-years-2017-specialty-sugar-trq

(ii) https://www.fas.usda.gov/programs/sugar-import-program/applying-specialty-sugar-certificate

3. This Trade Notice is issued to bring to the attention of the trade to utilize the opportunity for export of speciality sugar to USA from additional quota (non-country specific).

Exp 50.5     DGFT Releases 8424 MT Sugar Quota for USA under TRQ for the Period 1 Oct 2018 to 30 Sept 2019

[Ref: Public Notice No. 38/2015-2020 dated 13 September 2018]

Effect of this Public Notice: The quantity of raw sugar 8424 MTs (Eight thousand four hundred and twenty four metric tons) to be exported to USA under TRQ upto 30.09.2019 is notified.

Subject: Allocation of preferential export of sugar to USA under TRQ for the year 2018-19.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraphs 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby allocates a quantity of 8424 MTs (Eight thousand four hundred and twenty four metric tons) of all kinds of raw cane sugar having HS Code 1701 13 and 1701 14 at six digit level (at 98 degree pol), out of non-levy (Free Sale) quota for export under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) to USA for the US fiscal year 2019 (October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019).

[62-PN/24.12.2018 – Para 1 amended – Description Broadened to Include “All Kinds of Raw Sugar under HS Code 070113 and 070114” under Sugar Quota Allowed (DINDEX Code 9569)]

2. As per Notification No. 3/2015-20 dated 20.04.2015, export of sugar (HS Code 1701 00 00) to USA under TRQ is 'Free' subject to the conditions notified in the 'Nature of Restrictions' in the above notification.

3. Certificate of Origin, if required, for preferential export of sugar to USA, shall be issued by Additional Director General of Foreign Trade, Mumbai. Other certification requirement, if any, prescribed specifically for export of sugar to USA would continue to be followed.

4. The reporting requirement as notified vide Notification No. 3/2015-2020 dated 20.04.2015 read with Notification No. 20 dated 07.09.2015 would be followed.

Exp 50.5.1  DGFT Releases Additional 1239 MTs of Sugar Quota for USA under TRQ upto 30 Sept. 2019

[Public Notice No. 19 /2015-2020 dated 17 July 2019]

Effect of this Public Notice: Additional quantity of 1239 MTs (One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Nine Metric Ton Raw Value) of raw cane sugar to be exported to USA under TRQ upto 30.09.2019 has been notified.

Subject:- Allocation of additional quantity of 1239 MTRV for export of sugar to USA under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ).

In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraphs 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby allocates an additional quantity of 1239 MTs (One Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Nine Metric Ton Raw Value) raw cane sugar (at 98 degree pol), out of non-levy (Free Sale) quota for export under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) to USA for the fiscal year 2019 (October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019). With this additional allocation, quantity for export of sugar to USA under TRQ during US fiscal year 2019 would be as under:-

Public Notice No. & Date

Quantity of sugar allocated (MT)

PN No. 38 dated 13.09.2018


PN No.19 dated 17.07.2019




2. Export of sugar (HS Code 17010000} to USA under TRQ is 'Free' subject to the conditions notified in the 'Nature of Restrictions' in Notification No. 3/2015-20 dated 20.04.2015. The reporting requirement to APEDA as specified in the said Notification would be followed.

3. Certificate of Origin, if required, for export of preferential sugar to USA, shall be issued by Additional Director General of Foreign Trade, Mumbai. Other certification requirement, if any, prescribed specifically for export of sugar to USA would continue to be followed.

(Issued from F.No.01/91/180/879/AM08/EC/Vol. VIII)

Exp 50.6     Sugar TRQ – DGFT Issues Quota Allocations

[Ref: Trade Notice No. 12 dated 31 July 2017}

Subject: Allocation of quantity (non-country specific) for export of sugar ·to USA under Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ).

USDA Foreign Agriculture Service has announced the non-country; specific Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) for refined sugar to 182000 MTRV (metric tons raw value) for exporters from all WTO countries for the US fiscal year 2018 (October1, 2017 to September 30, 2018) which includes; (i) 22000 MTRV (1656 MTRV reserved for specialty sugar), the minimum quantity committed by USA under the WTO agreement; and (ii) additional 160,000 MTRV for specialty sugars.

2. For the Fiscal year 2018, all imports of the organic and other specialty sugar are to be administered by US Authorities on a first-come, first served (FCFS) basis in five tranches as detailed below :



Type of sugar

Date of opening


1656 (WTO minimum)

All types of specialty sugar




Organic and other specialty sugar not produced domestically




Organic and other specialty sugar not produced domestically




Organic and other specialty sugar not produced domestically




Organic and other specialty sugar not produced domestically


MTRV: Metric Tons Raw Value

3. As there is stiff competition among suppliers, the quota of specialty sugar fills immediately. Therefore, Indian supplier (s) are advised to identify a US company with presence in the US who is supposed to apply to USDA for tariff free quota.

4.  This Trade Notice is issued to bring to the attention  of the tra1le to utilize the opportunity for export of speciality sugar to USA from TRQ quota (non-country specific).

5. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Ø <Sugar Contract Email Registration with DGFT Procedure – Export Permitted on Cash Against Documents Basis Also – 63-Pol.Cir/16.05.2012 (DINDEX Code 1266)>.


Chapter 20

Preparations of Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts or Other parts of Plants


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


2008 11 00


Groundnuts, otherwise prepared or preserved, whether or not mixed together and whether or not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included.


(a) Export to all countries (except exports to Russian Federation) is permitted subject to registration with APEDA along with controlled Aflatoxin level Certificate issued by APEDA recognized laboratories (as updated from time to time) on their website at URL www.apeda.gov.in/apedawebsite/HACCP/recognized_laboratories.pdf





(b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by





(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.





(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.





(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory





(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.





(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi





(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore





(7) Delhi Test House; and





(8) Vimta Labs.





or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.

[SNo. 93A inserted by 28-Ntfn(RE)/03.01.2013 – Export of Grapes, Groundnuts and their Products Requires APEDA Registration]



Chapter 23

Residues and Waste from the Food Industries; Prepared Animal Fodder


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction




Meat meals and pellets (including tankage) : Meat and Bone Meal of Buffalo

[34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 - SNo. 93B inserted]


Export allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.


2305 00 10, 2305 00 20, 2305 00 90


Deoiled groundnut cakes containing more than 1% oil and groundnut expeller cakes


Exports permitted under licence


1213 00 00, 1214 10 00, 1214 90 00, 2302 10 10, 2302 30 00, 2302 40 00, 2308 00 00


Fodder, including wheat and rice straw


Exports permitted under licence


2302 20 20, 2302 20 90


Rice bran, raw and boiled


Exports permitted under licence




Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding


Export of the item produced from animal by-products allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.




Dog or Cat food, put up for retail sale





Concentrates for compound animal feed

[34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 - SNo. 97 substituted]


Chapter 25

Salt; Sulphur; Earths and Stone; Plastering Materials, Lime and Cement


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


2505 10 11, 2505 10 12, 2505 10 19, 2505 10 20, 2505 90 00, 2530 90 99


Sand and Soil


Exports permitted under licence

Note 1

·       Export of River Sand and Stone Aggregates to Maldives permitted as per ceiling mentioned below subject to issue of No Objection within the annual ceiling by CAPEXIL who shall monitor the ceiling and send a quarterly report to Export Cell in DGFT (Hqrs.):

S. No.


Annual Ceiling of Quantity for 2019-20 (in MT)


River Sand

2 Lakh


Stone Aggregates

8 Lakh

·       For the export of above quantity of River Sand and Stone Aggregates, CAPEXIL shall ensure that the suppliers/extractors have obtained appropriate clearances and mining of the sand is not undertaken in the Coastal Regulation Zone Area, which is prohibited under the Coastal Regulation Zone notification.

·       In addition to above, export of River Sand and Stone Aggregates will be allowed subject to the exporter obtaining necessary environmental clearances/No Objection Certificate from the designated nodal authority of respective State Governments from where the River Sand is obtained. This permission will also be subject to any State legislation/judicial orders relating to mining of 'River Sand ' and 'Stone Aggregates'

[07-Ntfn/07.06.2019 – Note 1 inserted]

Export Licencing note of Chapter 25

Note 1 (i) Export of Stone Aggregate to Maldives permitted as per ceiling mentioned below subject to issue of No Objection within the annual ceiling by CAPEXIL who shall monitor the ceiling and send a quarterly report to Export Cell in DGFT:



Annual Ceiling of Quantity in MTs





Stone Aggregate

5 lakh

5.5 lakh

6 lakh

(ii)     For the export of above quantity of Stone Aggregates, CAPEXIL shall ensure that the suppliers/extractors have obtained appropriate clearances

Stone Aggregate Exports Quota to Maldives for Three Years through CAPEXIL Allowed by DGFT Notification No. 76 dated 27th March 2014.

Note 2 (i) Export of River Sand to Maldives permitted as per ceiling mentioned below subject to issue of No Objection within the annual ceiling by CAPEXIL who shall monitor the ceiling and send a quarterly report to Export Cell in DGFT:



Annual Ceiling of Quantity in MTs





River Sand

2 lakh

2.5 lakh

3 lakh

(ii)   For the export of above quantity of River Sand, CAPEXIL shall ensure that the suppliers/extractors have obtained appropriate clearances and mining of the sand is not undertaken in the Coastal Regulation Zone Area, which is prohibited under the Coastal Regulation Zone notification.

(iii)  In addition to above, export of River Sand will be allowed subject to the exporter obtaining necessary environmental clearances/No Objection Certificate from the designated nodal authority of respective State Governments from where the River Sand is obtained. This permission will also be subject to any State legislation/judicial orders relating to mining of River Sand”

[River Sand Exports Quota of 7.5 MTs to Maldives for Three Years thru CAPEXIL Notified by DGFT Notification No. 75 dated 27th March 2014].

[Export Licensing Note deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Exp 50.7     Export of Stone Aggregates to Maldives Permitted again After the Ban in Feb 2013

[DGFT Notification No. 62 dated 1st January 2014]

Subject: Export of Stone Aggregate to Maldives.

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No. 22 of 1992) read with Para 1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, as amended from time to time, the Central Government hereby withdraws Notification No.34(RE-2012)/2009-2014 dated 08.02.2013, with immediate effect.

2.     Notification No. 54(RE-2010)/2009-14 of 07.06.2011 had permitted export of specified quantities of Stone Aggregates to Maldives for the years 2011-12, 2012-13 & 2013-14. This was stopped till further notice vide Notification No. 34 (RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 08.02.2013. Now Notification No. 34 (RE-2012)/2009-14 dated 08.02.2013 is being withdrawn. Accordingly, export of Stone Aggregates to Maldives is permitted with immediate effect.

3.     Effect of this notification

Export of Stone Aggregates to the Republic of Maldives is being permitted subject to the conditions and quantity ceiling indicated in Notification No. 54 dated 07.06.2011.

Chapter 26

Ores, Slag and Ash

Note 1. Export of Rare Earth compounds classified as Beach Sand Minerals (BSM) , namely [Ilmenite, Rutile, Leucoxene (Titanium bearing mineral), Zircon, Garnet, Sillimanite and Monazite (Uranium and Thorium)], shall be regulated in terms of Sl. No. 98A of Chapter 26 Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification.

2. Other minerals under code 2617 are freely exportable, except those which have been notified as prescribed substances and controlled under Atomic Energy Act, 1962".

[Note 1 and 2 substituted by DGFT Ntfn 26 dated 21.08.2018]


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


2508 50 31, 2508 50 32, 2508 50 39, 2612 10 00, 2612 20 00, 2614 00 10, 2614 00 20, 2614 00 31, 2614 00 39, 2614 00 90, 2615 10 00, 2513 20 30


Beach Sand Minerals [Ilmenite, Rutile, Leucoxene(Titanium bearing mineral), Zircon, Garnet, Sillimanite and Monazite (Uranium and Thorium)]

STE (State Trading Enterprise)

Export through Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL)

[SNo. 98A inserted by DGFT Ntfn 26 dated 21.08.2018]


2601 11 00


Iron ore other than those specified under Free category


Export through MMTC Limited


2601 11 00


Iron ore of Goa origin when exported to China, Europe, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, irrespective of the Fe content;



2601 11 00


Iron ore of Redi origin to all markets, irrespective of the Fe content;



2601 11 00


All iron ore of Fe content upto 64%



2601 11 50


Iron ore concentrate prepared by benefication and/or concentration of low grade ore containing 40 percent or less of iron produced by Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited


Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited, Bangalore


2601 12 10


Iron ore pellets manufactured by Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited (KIOCL).
[Traders Allowed to Export Kudremukh Iron Ore Pellets by 92-Ntfn(RE)/26.09.2014 (DINDEX Code 5399)]


Export by KIOCL Limited, Bangalore or any entity authorized by KIOCL Limited, Bangalore


2601 12 90


Rejects of iron ore chips and like generated from the manufacturing process after using imported raw material


The quantity of export of such rejects shall not be more than 10% of the imported raw materials i.e. pellets The size of the rejected pellets chips (fines) shall be less than 6 mm


2602 00 00


Manganese Ores excluding the following: Lumpy / blended Manganese ore with more than 46 percent Manganese


Export through

(a) MMTC Limited

(b) Manganese Ore India Limited (MOIL)


2602 00 10


Lumpy/blended manganese ore with more than 46% manganese


Export permitted under licence


2610 00 00


Chrome ore other than (i) beneficated chrome ore fines / concentrates (maximum feed grade to be less than 42% Cr2O3) and

(ii) those categories of Chrome ores mentioned as permitted through STEs.


Export permitted under licence other than categories at (b) to (d) below


2610 00 30, 2610 00 40


Beneficated chrome ore fines / concentrates (maximum feed grade to be less than 42% Cr2O3)

[Chrome ore (beneficiated) exports shifted to STE from Free by amending DGFT Notification 05(RE)/09.05.2006]


Export through MMTC Limited (amended by notification no 5, dated 09.05.06)


2610 00 30


Chrome ore lumps with Cr2O3 not exceeding 40 percent


Export through MMTC Limited


2610 00 90


Low silica friable/fine ore with Cr2O3 not exceeding 52 percent and Silica exceeding 4 percent


Export through MMTC Limited


2610 00 90


Low Silica friable/fine Chromite Ore with Cr2O3 in the range of 52-54% and silica exceeding 4 %


Export through MMTC Limited


Chapter 27

Mineral Fuels; Mineral Oils and Products of their Distillation; Bituminous Substances; Mineral waxes


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


2709 00 00


Crude oil


Export through Indian Oil Corporation Limited


2710 19 10




Export allowed subject to obtaining NOC from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

The above condition would not be applicable for export of Kerosene to Nepal & Bhutan by the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


2711 19 00


Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)


Export allowed subject to obtaining NOC from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas.

The above condition would not be applicable for export of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) to Nepal & Bhutan by the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd.


2207 20 00


Ethyl alcohol and other spirits, denatured, of any strength


Export is permitted under license only for non-fuel purposes


2710 20 00


Petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals (other than crude) and preparations not elsewhere specified or included, containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils or of oils obtained from bituminous minerals, these oils being the basic constituents of the preparations, containing biodiesel, other than waste oils.


Export is permitted under license only for non-fuel purposes


3826 00 00


Biodiesel and mixtures thereof, not containing or containing less than 70 % by weight of petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals.


Export is permitted under license only for non-fuel purposes

[SNo. 115A to 115C inserted by DGFT Ntfn 29 dated 28.08.2018]

Ø  Kerosene and LPG Exports to Nepal and Bhutan Free of Petro Min Control – 50-Ntfn(RE)/11.11.2013 (DINDEX 4572). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Chapter 28

Inorganic Chemicals; Organic or Inorganic Compounds of Precious Metals, of Rare-Earth Metals, of Radioactive
Elements of Isotopes

Note 1 Export of Potassium Permanganate is freely allowed subject to No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner, Gwalior for details, see Chapter-29.

Chapter 29

Organic Chemicals

Note - This chapter also includes relevant chemicals under Chapter 27, 28 and 38.


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


2710 91 00


Poly Brominated Biphenyls


No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi


2710 91 00


Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls


No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi


2710 91 00


Poly Chlorinated terphenyls


No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi


2920 29 30
2920 90 30


Tris (2,3 Di-bromopropyl) phosphate


No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi


2524 10 10
2920 90 90




No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi


2841 61 00


Potassium Permanganate


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior


2915 24 00


Acetic Anhydride


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior


2939 41 00 2939 42 00


Ephedrine and its salts/Pseudoephedrine and its salts


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior


291431 00


1-Phenyl-2 Propanone& 3,4- Methylenedioxyphenyl – 2- Propanone

ITC (HS) Code of 1-Phenyl-2-Propanone Corrected as 29143100 under Export Policy - 22-Ntfn/06.10.2015 (DINDEX Code 6231)


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior






No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior


2914 12 00


Methyl Ethyl Ketone


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




2-Acetamidobenzoic acid (N-Acetylanthranilic acid) and its salts


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




Anthranilic acid and its salts


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




Ergometrine and its salts


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




Ergotamine and its salts


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior






No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




Lysergic acid and its salts


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




Norephedrine (Phenylpropanolamine), its salts and preparations thereof


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




Phenyl acetic acid and its salts


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior






No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior




Safrole and any essential oil containing 4% or more safrole


No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior
[SNo. 124A substituted and 125A to 125J inserted by 55-Ntfn(RE)/03.12.2013]


2903 00 00


Chemicals included in Annexures A and B to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer


Exports permitted under licence. Export to countries which are not Parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.


2903 00 00


Chemicals under Montreal Protocol when exported to a country which is not party to the `Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer'


Not permitted to be exported




Annexure A



2903 77 13
2903 41 00


Group I

(a) CFC13(CFC-11) Trichlorofluoro methane.

Restricted or Prohibited as above depending upon whether country is signatory of Montreal Protocol or not.


2903 77 12
2903 42 00


(b) CFC2C12 (CFC-12 Dicholorodifluoro methane.


2903 77 23
2903 43 00


(c) C2F3C13 (CFC-113) 1,1,2, Trichloro-1,2,2 trifluoro ethane.


2903 77 22
2903 44 10


(d) C2F4C12 (CFC-114) 1,2Dichlorotetrafluoro ethane.


2903 77 21
2903 44 20


(e) C2F5BrCI (CFC-115) Chloropentafluoro ethane


2903 76 10
2903 46 10


Group II

(f) CF2BrCI (halon-1211) Bromochlorodifluoro methane.


2903 76 20 2903 46 20


(g) CF3B (halon-1301) Bromotrifluoro methane.


2903 76 30
2903 46 30


(h) C2F4Br2 (halon-2402) Dibromotetrafluoro ethane.




Annexure B


2903 77 11

2903 45 11


Group I

(i) CF3CI (CFC-13) Chlorotrifluoro methane.


2903 77 25
2903 45 12


(j) C2FC15 (CFC-111) Pentachlorofluoro ethane.


2903 77 24
2903 45 13


(k) C2F2C14 (CFC-112) Tetrachlorodifluoro ethane.


2903 77 37
2903 45 21


(l) C3FC17 (CFC-211) Heptachloro - fluoroprapane.


2903 77 36
2903 45 22


(m) C3F2C16 (CFC212) Hexachlorodifluoro propane.


2903 77 35
2903 45 24
2903 45 23


(n) C3F3C15 (CFC-213) Pentachloro trifluoro propane.


2903 77 33
2903 45 24


(o) C3F5C14 (CFC-214) Tetrachloro tetrafluoro propane.


2903 77 32
2903 45 25


(p) C3F5C13 (CFC-215) Trichloropentafluoro propane.


2903 77 31
2903 45 26


(q) C3F6C12 (CFC-216) Dichlorohexafluoro propane.


2903 14 00
2903 45 27


(r) C3F7Cl (CFC-217) Chloroheptafluoro propane.


2903 19 20
2903 14 00


Group II

(s) CC14 Carbon Tetrachloride Tetrachloro methane.


3824 71 00
2903 19 20


Group III

(t) CH3C13* 1,1,1-Trichloro ethane. (Methyl Chloroform)

*This formula does not refer to 1,1,2-trichloro ethane


3824 79 00
2903 49 10


Annexure C


Group I

Controlled substances














































(HCFC-124) (amended by notification No 09, dated 10.12.04)


































































































































































3824 79 00
2903 49 90



















































































































































































3824 77 00
2903 49 90






Annexure D - Reserved




Annexure E



3824 77 00
3808 10 24


CH3Br Methyle Bromide







[SNos. 119, 120, 128 to 151 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Ø  10 Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Export Permitted Subject to NOC from Narcotics Commissioner – 55-Ntfn(RE)/03.12.2013 (DINDEX Code 4640). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Chapter 30

Pharmaceutical Products

Note 1 Formulations of plant portions of prohibited varieties falling in heading 3003 and heading 3004 are freely exportable subject to conditions. For details, please see Chapter 12.


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


3002 12 10, 3002 12 20, 3002 12 30, 3002 12 40, 3002 12 90
3002 10 11, 3002 10 12, 3002 10 13, 3002 10 14, 3002 10 19,

3002 10 20, 3002 10 91, 3002 90 10, 3002 90 20


Whole human blood plasma and all products derived from human blood except gamma globulin and human serum albumin manufactured from human placenta and human placental blood; Raw placenta; Placental blood plasma


Export allowed subject to obtaining No Objection Certificate from DGHS

[SNo. amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


3002 10 20


Gamma globulin and human serum albumin manufactured from human placenta and human placental blood




3002 12 10, 3002 12 20, 3002 12 90
3002 10 11, 3002 10 12, 3002 10 19,
3002 10 20, 3002 90 10, 3002 90 20


Samples of whole human blood plasma and all products derived from human blood; Raw placenta; Placental blood plasma in individual cases for diagnostic / therapeutic purposes


Recommendation from a doctor

[SNo. amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


3003 90 36, 3004 90 96




Export allowed subject to obtaining No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner


3002 10


Antisera and other blood fractions and modified immunological products, whether or not obtained by means of biotechnological processes


Export of the item produced from animal by-products allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions :

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.




Hemoglobin blood globulins and serum globulins





Heparin and its salts

[34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 - SNo. 156 Substituted]


Export Licensing Note of Chapter 30

“The words ‘Heavy metals within permissible limits’ have be conspicuously displayed on the container of purely Herbal Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani medicines to be exported. Alternatively, a Certificate that ‘Heavy metals within permissible limits’ issued either by an in house laboratory fully equipped with appropriate equipments for testing heavy metals or by any other NABL / GLP accredited laboratory or any other approved laboratory has to be produced along with other consignment papers.”

Exp 50.8     Bar Coding Track and Trace in Pharma Exports

·         Last Date for Maintenance of Packaging (Parent–Child Relation) Extended by 1 to 2 Years

·         Revised Procedure for Implementation of Track and Trace Systems for Drugs Formulation Exports Notified – Bar Coding on Primary Pack Optional

All Exporters can Avail of Specific Waivers on Track and Trace Systems by Consumer Countries – 03-PN/21.04.2016 (DINDEX Code 6773)

[DGFT Public Notice No. 52 dated 5th January 2016]

Effect of this Public Notice: In suppression of the earlier Public Notice no. 13/2015-2020 dated 22.05.2015, the dates for implementation of Track and Trace system for export of drug formulations alongwith maintaining the Parent-Child relationship in packaging have been extended to 01.04.2016 for non SSI manufactured drugs and to 01.04.2017 for SSI manufactured drugs.

Subject: Implementation of the Track and Trace system for export of Pharmaceuticals and drug consignments.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 2.04 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-20, as amended from time to time, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby amends Para 2.89A of Handbook of Procedure, 2015-20, as notified vide Public Notice No. 4/2015-20 dated 1.04.2015 (as amended), as under, for laying down the procedure for implementation of the Track and Trace system for export consignments of drug formulations:

2. "2.89 A

Procedure for Implementation of the Track and Trace system for export of drug formulations

i. The manufacturer or the exporter of drug formulations will print the barcode as per GS1 Global Standard at different packaging levels to facilitate tracking and tracing of their products. The details are as follows:

a) Primary Level: Incorporation of two dimensional (2D) barcode encoding unique and universal global product identification code in the format of 14 digits Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) along with batch number, expiry date and a unique serial number of the primary pack. The bar code labeling at primary level is exempted till further notification; however, the above mentioned details are required to be printed in human readable form on optional basis till further notification.

b) Secondary level: Incorporation of one or two dimensional (1D or 2D) barcode encoding unique and universal global product identification code in the format of 14 digits Global Trade Item Number(GTIN) along with batch number, expiry date and a unique serial number of the secondary pack. However, incase of monocartons manufacturer or exporter shall affix bar code on mono carton containing one primary pack on optional basis till further notification.

c) Tertiary Level: Incorporation of one dimensional (1D) barcode encoding unique and universal global product identification code in the format of 14 digits Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) along with batch number, expiry date and a unique serial number of the tertiary pack i.e. Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC).

ii) Parent -Child Relationship/ Effective dates for SSI and Non-SSI Manufacturers:

The manufacturer or exporter shall maintain the data in the parent-child relationship for three levels of packaging i.e. Primary, Secondary and Tertiary packaging and their movement in its supply chain.

a) All Manufacturers (SSI & Non- SSI Manufacturers): As one time exemption all manufacturers are exempted from maintenance of Parent-Child relationship in packaging and its uploading on central portal (http://dava.gov.in) till 31.03.2016. However, the requirements of printing of barcoding on the different levels or packaging will be applicable as prescribed.

b) Extended Date of Exemption to SSI Manufacturers: All SSI drug manufacturers are exempted from requirement of maintaining Parent-Child relationship in packaging levels for a further period up to 31.03.2017. However, they are required to upload Tertiary level data on the central portal mandatorily as prescribed in public notice no. 13/2015-2020 dated 22.05.2015.

iii. The data mentioned in (ii) above shall be uploaded on the central portal of the Government of India by the manufacturer or exporter or its designated agency before release of the drug formulations for sale or distribution.

iv. The responsibility of the correctness, completeness and ensuring timely upload of data on the central portal shall be with the manufacturer or exporter.

v. In case, the Government of the importing country has mandated a specific requirement, the exporter has the option of adhering to the same and in such a case, it would not be necessary to comply with the stipulation under sub para (i) to (iv) of Para 2 of this Public Notice and if an exporter is seeking to avail such exemption from bar coding prescribed by the Government of India as above, the exporter is given the option to move an application to the Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India (Pharmexcil) for this purpose, clearly specifying the nature of such an exemption in the interest of the exports from the country. Pharmexcil shall dispose of such applications on case to case basis with prior approval of Government. However, the tertiary level of packaging will have additional printing of barcode as per Para 2 (i) (c) of this Public Notice in addition to importing country’s requirement, if any

[Para 2(v) substituted by 03-PN/21.04.2016]

vi. Export of drugs manufactured by non-SSI units and having manufacturing date prior to 31.03.2016 and export of the drugs manufactured by SSI units and having manufacturing date prior to 31.03.2017 are exempted from requirement of data uploading on Central Portal.

vii. All drugs manufactured by non SSI units with manufacturing date on or after 01.04.2016 and all drug manufactured by SSI units with manufacturing date on or after 01.04.2017 can be exported only if both tertiary and secondary packaging carry barcoding as applicable and the relevant data as prescribed by DGFT is uploaded on the Central Portal.


(a) For the purpose of this rule,

(i) Drug formulation means a formulation manufactured with a license from Drug Control Authority under the provisions of Drugs & Cosmetics Act and Rules made there under and registered as "Drug" with the FDA of importing country.

(ii) Primary packaging means the package which is in direct physical contact with the active ingredient.

Secondary packaging means a carton containing one or more primary packs and includes a mono carton containing one primary pack.

The tertiary packaging means a shipper containing one or more secondary packs.

(b) All relevant guidelines regarding grant of specific exemption (s) if any, procedure of data requirement / maintenance / upload on central portal and clarifications issued under this notification etc. will be available on the central portal i.e. http://dava.gov.in

(c) It will be the responsibility of the drug manufactures/exporters as the case may be, to satisfy the customs authorities that the export consignment satisfies the conditions of the notification".


Chapter 31



Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


3101 00


Animal or vegetable fertilizers, whether or not mixed together or chemically treated; fertilizers produced by the mixing or chemical treatment of animal or vegetable products

[34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 - SNo. 156A inserted]


Export of items produced from animal by-products allowed freely, but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued, consignment-wise, by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a `Health Certificate’ consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 157 substituted]


3102 10 00





Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers (DOF);

(ii) Production of Declaration / Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

Export permitted under licence.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 157 substituted]


3103 10 00


Straight Phosphatic Fetilizers given below:
1. Single Super Phosphate (16% P2O5) Powdered
2. Single Super Phosphate (14% P2O5) Powdered
3. Single Super Phosphate (16% P2O5) Granulated


Manufacturers of SSP, as listed in Export Licensing Note1 at List A below, shall be allowed to export their own manufactured SSP subject to the following
conditions:(i) Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self- declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/has been claimed for intended export.(ii) Production of Declaration / Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 158 substituted]


3103 10 00


Other Straight Phosphatic Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 158 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports



Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers (DOF);

(ii) Production of Declaration /Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

Export permitted under licence

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 159 substituted]


3105 30 00


N.P. Complex Fertilizers given below:
Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) (18-46-00)



Manufacturers of DAP, as listed in Export Licensing Note 1 at List B below, shall be allowed, with the prior permission of the Department of Fertilizer, to export their own manufactured DAP subject to the following

(i) Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self- declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/subsidy has been claimed for intended export.

(ii) Production of above declaration / certificate as at (i) above before Customs at the time of export.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 160 substituted]


3105 30 00


Other N.P. Complex Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 160 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports



Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission/ No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers (DOH;

(ii) Production of Declaration /Certificate as at (i) before Customsat the time of export. (DOH.)

Export permitted under licence

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 161 substituted]


3104 20 00


Straight Potassic Fertilizers given below:
Potassium Chloride (Muriate of Potash-MOP)



Exports permitted, with the prior permission of the Department of Fertilizer, by direct importers of MOP out of quantity of import made during the last six months subject to the following conditions:-

I. They will not claim any concession for the quantity intended to be exported;


They will return the concession if already claimed from the Government; and

II. Furnish certificate from the statutory auditors to the Department of Fertilisers and Customs that the quantity intended to be exported has been imported in the last six months and no concession/subsidy has been claimed; and

III. Export realisation is in free foreign exchange only.

IV. Production of Declaration /Certificate as above before Customs at the time of export.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 162 substituted]


3104 20 00


Straight Potassic Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 162 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports



Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers (DOF);

(ii) Production of Declaration /Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

Export permitted under licence

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 163 substituted]


3105 40 00, 3105 51 00, 3105 59 00


Other N.P. Complex Fertilizers as given below:

1. NP (16-20-0)

2. NP (20-20-0)

3. NP (28-28-0)

4. NP ( 23-23-0)


Manufacturers of NP and NPK, as listed in Export Licensing Notel at List C below, shall be allowed to export their own manufactured NP and NPK subject to the
following conditions:

(i) Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self- declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/subsidy has been claimed for intended export.

(ii) Production of above declaration / certificate as at (i) above before Customs at the time of export.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 164 substituted]


3105 40 00, 3105 51 00, 3105 59 00


Other N.P. Complex Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 164 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports



Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers (DOF);

(ii) Production of Declaration /Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

Export permitted under licence

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 165 substituted]


3105 20 00


N.P.K. Complex Fertilisers given below :-

Nitro-phosphate with Potash (15-15-15)

N.P.K. (10-26-26)

N.P.K. (12-32-16)

N.P.K. (14-35-14)

N.P.K. (14-28-14)

N.P.K. (19-19-19)

N.P.K. (17-17-17)

N.P.K. (15-15-15)


Manufacturers of NP and NPK, as listed in Export Licensing Note 1 at List C below, shall be allowed to export their own manufactured NP and NPK subject to the following conditions:

(i) Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self- declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/subsidy has been claimed for intended export.

(ii) Production of above declaration / certificate as at (i) above before Customs at the time of export.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 166 substituted]


3105 20 00


Other N.P.K. Complex Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 166 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports



Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers (DOF);

(ii) Production of Declaration /Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

Export permitted under licence

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 167 substituted]


3104 90 00


All chemical fertilisers fortified with zinc or boron



Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers(DOF);

(ii) Production of Declaration/ Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

Export permitted under licence

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 168 substituted]


3105 90 10


Micronutirent fertilizers and mixtures thereof containing NPK, excluding those specified in Schedule I , Part A 1 (f) of Fertilizers (Control) Order, 1985



Export is permitted subject to:

(i) Prior permission / No Objection Certificate (NOC) of the Department of Fertilizers (DOF);

(ii) Production of Declaration/ Certificate as at (i) before Customs at the time of export.

Export permitted under licence

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – SNo. 169 substituted]

Manufactures of SSP, DAP, NP/NPK List Revised - [DGFT Notification No. 07 dated 16th May 2017 (DINDEX Code 7766)]

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 31

Note 1

Manufacturers of SSP, DAP and NP/ NPK who can freely export their own manufactures subject to the conditions above.

A  List of SSP Manufacturers/ Units

1. Arawali Phosphate Ltd, Jhamarkotra Road, Umra, Udaipur, Rajasthan

2. Arihant Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd, Neemuch Tehsil, Neemuch, M.P.

3. Arihant Phosphates and Fertilisers Ltd, Nimbaheda, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan

4 Asha Phosphates Ltd, Jaggakhedi, Mandsaur, M.P.

5. Basant Agro Tech (India) Ltd, Barshi Takli Tehsil, Akola, Maharashtra

6. Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd, Gunjkheda, Pulgaon, Wardha, Maharashtra

7. Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd, Sirgiti Industrial Area, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh

8. Bohra Industries Ltd, Umra Village, Girva, Udaipur, Rajasthan

9. Chemtech Fertilisers Ltd, Kazipalli, IDA, Medak, Andhra Pradesh

10. Coimbatore Pioneer Fertilisers Ltd, Muthugoundanpudur, Coimbatore, TN

11. Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Ambarnath Tehsil, Thane, Maharashtra

12. Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Distt. Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh

13. Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Khemli, udaipur, Rajasthan

14. EID Parry (India) Ltd, Pinji Village, Ranipet, TN

15. Gayatri Spinners Ltd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

16. Hind Lever Chemicals Ltd, Durgachak, Haldia, Midnapore, W.B.

17. Jairam Phosphate Ltd, Wadsa (Desalganj), Gadchiroli, Maharashtra

18. Jay Shree Chemicals & Fertilisers-I, Khardah, 24 Praganas (N), W.B.

19. Jay Shree Chemicals & Fertilisers-II, Khardah, 24 Praganas (N), W.B.

20. Jubliant Organosys Ltd, Bharatiram, Gajraula, U.P.

21. Kashi Uravark Ltd, Industrial Area, Jagdishpur, Sultanpur, U.P.

22. Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, Village Nirmani, Khargone, M.P.

23. Khaitan Fertilisers, Rampur, U.P.

24. Kothari Industrial Corp. Ltd, Ennore, T.N.

25. Krishna Industrial Corp. Ltd, Nidadavola, West Godavari, Distt. A.P.

26. Liberty Phosphate Ltd, Mewar Industrial Area, Udaipur, Rajasthan

27. Liberty Phosphate Ltd, Nandesari, Vadodara, Gujarat

28. Madhya Bharat Agro products Ltd, Sagar, M.P.

29. Madhya Pradesh Orgochem Ltd, Jawad Tehsil, Neemuch, M.P.

30. Mahadeo Fertilisers Ltd, Bindki, Fatepur, U.P.

31. Maharashtra Agro Industries Dev. Corpn. Ltd, Panvel Taluka, Rigad, Maharashtra

32. Mangalam Phosphates Ltd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

33. Mardia Chemicals Ltd, Sitagarh Sayala, Surendranagar, Gujarat

34. Mexican Phosphates Ltd, Ksasrawad Tehsil, Khargone, M.P.

35. Mukteshwar Fertilisers Ltd, Narayankhedi, Ujjain, M.P.

36. Narmada Agro Chemicals P.Ltd. Mangrol, Junagarh, Gujarat

37. Nirma Ltd, Moraiya Village, Bavala, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

38. Phosphate Co. Ltd, Rishra, Hoogly, W.B.

39. Pragati Fertilizers Ltd, IDA, Block-A. Vishakapatnam, A.P.

40. Prathyusha Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, IDA, Parawada, Vishakapatnam, A.P.

41. Prem Sakhi Fertilisers Ltd, Jhamar Kotra Road, Lakadwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan

42. Priyanka Fertilisers & Chemicals, Anakapalli (M), Vishakapatnam, A.P.

43. Rashi Fertilizers Ltd., Dindon Tehsil, Nasik, Maharashtra.

44. Rajlaxmi Agrotech India Ltd., Gundewadi Jalna Tehsil, Jalna. Maharashtra

45. Rama Krishi Rasayan, Haveli Taluka, Pune, Maharashtra.

46. Rama Phosphates Ltd., Dharampuri, Indore, M.P.

47. Rama Phosphates Ltd. Umra, Gurva Tehsil, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

48. Rewati Minerals & Chemicals Ltd., Banda, Tehsil, Sagar, M.P.

49. Sadhana Phosphate & chemicals Ltd., Gudli Village, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

50. Shiva Fertilizers Ltd., Loha, Taluka, Nanded, Maharashtra.

51. Shreeji Phosphate Ltd., Kallipura Village, Jhabua, M.P.

52. Shri Acids and Chemicals Ltd., Gajraula, U.P.

53. Shri Bhawani Mishra (P) Ltd., Wazirabad, Nanded Maharashtra

54. Shri Ganpati Fertilizers Ltd., Gauraji ka Nimbahera, Ambabari, Rajasthan.

55. Shrinivas Fertilizers Ltd, Gormachhia Village, Jhansi, UP

56. Shurvi Colour Chem Ltd., Madsri, Girva Tehsil, Udaipur, Rajasthan

57. Sona Phosphate Ltd, Sarigam, Sabero, Valsad, Gujarat

58. Subhodaya Chemicals Ltd, Gauripatnam, A.P.

59. Swastik Fertilizer & Chemicals Lt, Village Sandia, Dhar, M.P.

60. Tedco Granites Ltyd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan

61. Teesta Agro Industries Ltd, Rajganj, Jalpaiguri, W.B.

62. The Andhra Sugars Ltd, Kovvur, West Godavari Distt, A.P.

63. The Bharat Fertilizer Industries Ltd, Wada Taluka, Thane, Maharashtra.

64. Tungabadra Fertilizers & Chemicals Company Ltd, Munirabad R.S. Koppa, Karnataka.

65. Narmada Bio-chem Pa Ltd., Ahmedabad

66. Prathyusha Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd., Visakhapatnam

67. The Jay Shree Chemicals & Fertilizers, Kolkata

68. Asian Fertilizers Ltd., Forakhpur

69. Sai Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata

70. Jubilant Agri & Consumer Products, Gajraula

71. Chambal Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd., Jasola

72. Basant Agro Tech (I) Ltd., Jalgaon

73. Basant Agro Tech (I) Ltd., Akola

74. Shiva Global Agro Industries Ltd., Nanded

75. Rama Phosphate Ltd., Indore

76. Rama Krishi Rasayan, Puna

77. Rama Phosphate Ltd., Udaipur

78. T.J. Agro Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd., Navsari

79. Varun Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd., Devas

80. Agri Green Fertilizers & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Kadapa

81. Progressive Fertichem (P) Ltd., Assam

82. Aarti Fertilizers, Vapi

83. R C Fertilizers Pvt. Ltd., Nashik

84. Suman Phosphates and Chemicals Ltd., Indore

85. KPR Fertilizers Ltd., Biccavolu

86. KPR Fertilizers Ltd., Koppal

87. Rajlaxmi Agrotech India Pvt. Ltd., Nanded

88. Indian Phosphaate Ltd., Udaipur

89. Adheeshaa Phosphate, Udaipur

90. Datta Agro Services Pvt. Ltd., Jalgaon

91. Madhyabharat Phosphate Pvt. Ltd., Raisen, M.P.

92. Madhyabharat Phosphate Pvt. Ltd., Jhabua, M.P.

93. Blue Phosphate, Udaipur

94. BEC Fertilizers Ltd. Bharuch

95. Pate! Phoschem Ltd. Udaipur

96. Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Nimbahera (Raj.)

97. Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Fatehpur (U.P.)

98. Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Jhansi (U.P.)

99. Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Dahej (Guj.)

100. Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilizers Ltd., Rajnandgaon (Chhattisgarh)

101. M/s Greenstar Fertilizers Ltd. [earlier known as Sothern Petrochemical Industries Corporation (SPIC) Limited]


B.  List of DAP Manufacturers

1. Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd.

2. Zaun Industries Ltd.

3. M/s Greenstar Fertilizers Ltd. [earlier known as Sothern Petrochemical Industries Corporation (SPIC) Limited] Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ltd.

4. Oswal Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd.

5. Madras Fertilisers Ltd., New Delhi- 110016

6. MIs Hindalco Industries Limited (unit: birla copper)

7. Indian Farmers Fertilisers Coop. Ltd, New Delli-110019

8. Godavari Fertilisers & Chemical Ltd.

9. M/s Tata Chemicals Limited (Phosphate Business Division), Bishop’s H use, 51, Chowringee Road, Kolkata-700071.

10. Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.

11. Paradeep Phosphates Ltd, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneshwar-751001

12. FACT, Cochin

C.  List of NP/ NPK Manufacturers

1.     M/s Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd. 6th Floor, Meridien, West Tower, Windsor Place, New Delhi- 110001.

2.     M/s Zurai Industries Ltd., International Trade Tower, 2nd Floor, F Block, Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110019.

3.     M/s Greenstar Fertilizers Ltd. [earlier known as Sothern Petrochemical Industries Corporation (SPIC) Limited] M/s Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ltd., SPIC House, 842, Asian Games Village Complex, Khel Gaon, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi- 110049.

4.     M/s Rashtriya Chemical and Fertiliser Ltd., H-9 Green Park Extn., New Deihi.

5.     M/s Oswal Chemicals & Fertiiisers Ltd., 7th Floor, Antrikash Bhavan, 22, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi- 110001.

6.     M/s Madras Fertilisers Ltd., U-12-A, First Floor, Green Park Extension, New Delhi-110016.

7.     M/s Hindalco Industries Limited (unit: birla Copper)

8.     M/s Indian Farmers Fertilisers Coop. Ltd., 34, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019.

9.     M/s Godavari Fertilisers & Chemical Ltd., E- 198, East of Kailash, New Delhi-110065.

10.   M/s E.I.D Parry India Ltd., Jeevan Deep Building, No.10, Sansad Marg, P.B. No. 172, New Delhi- 110001.

11.   M/s Coromondal Fertilizer Ltd. (CFL) Jeevan Deep Building, 1st Floor, 10, Parliament Street, New Delhi- 110001.

12.   M/s Tata Chemicals Limited (Phosphate Business Division), bishop’s house, 51, Chowringee Road, Kolkata-700071.

13.   M/s Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd., 1002, Bhikaji Cama Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.

14.   M/s Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation Limited, S-I, First Floor, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi- 110017.

15.   M/s Paradeep Phosphates Ltd., Bayan Bhawan, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneswar- 751001.

16.   M/s FACT, Cochin.

17    M/s Gujrat Narmada Valley Fertiliser Company limited, Bharauch (Gujaral)

18    M/s Heritaze Enterprise, Vadodara (Gujarat)

[Expor Licensing Note amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Note: 2

The procedure to obtain prior permission/ NoC of the Department of Fertilizers for export of fertilizers, wherever laid down, has been prescribed vide Public Notice No. 67/2015-20 dated 7th January, 2019.

[49-Ntfn/07.01.2019 – Note 2 inserted]

Procedure to Obtain NoC from Dept of Fertilizers for Fertilizers Export

[DGFT Public Notice No. 67/2015-20 dated 7 January 2019]

Effect of this Public Notice: Procedure to obtain permission / NoC of the Department of Fertilizers for export of fertilizers specified under Chapter 31 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2018 has been prescribed.

Subject:- Export of Fertilisers under Chapter 31 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import Items 2018 — Procedure to obtain permission / NoC from the Department of Fertilizers, Government of India.

In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy(FTP) 2015-20, the Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) hereby specifies the conditions and procedures, as under, to be followed by the manufacturers / exporters, for obtaining permission / NoC of the Department of Fertilizers for export of fertilizers, as specified under Chapter 31 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export and Import, in Items 2018 in terms of revised export policy notified vide Notification No. 49/ 2015-20 dated 7th January, 2019.

(a)   Prospective exporters shall submit their application to the Department of Fertilizers, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi-110001 through email at: sompr-fert@nic.in., Tele No. 011-23382010

(b)   The application shall be accompanied by the following documents:-

(i)    Detailed specification of product (fertilizer) to be exported along with clear NPKS ratio.

(ii)   Details of raw materials used for production of the fertilizer.

(iii)  Details of source of raw materials used in production of fertilizer (whether indigenous source or imported).

(iv)  In case of indigenous source:-

(a)   A certificate from the Statutory Auditor of the supplier as per the proforma ‘A’.

(b)   An undertaking from the supplier as per proforma ‘B’.

(v)   In case of source being imported fertilizers:-

(a)   Bill of Lading in the name of the applicant.

(vi)  A certificate from the Statutory Auditor of the applicant as per proforma ‘A1’.

(vi)  An undertaking from the applicant as per proforma ‘B1’

(vii) Any other additional information / documents as may be requisitioned by the DOF for consideration of the application;

2. Applications received from the manufacturers / exporters would be considered by the Department of Fertilizers and permission /No Objection Certificate (NoC) would be granted within a specified period of two weeks, subject to subject to fulfillment of all conditions by the applicant alongwith all requisite documents as prescribed at para 1 above (as may be amended from time to time by the Department of Fertilizers).

3. The status of applications will also be updated on monthly basis on the website of Department of Fertilizers ( fert.nic.in) heading captioned ‘Latest Releases’ to facilitate the trade.

4. Applicants who have already applied before DGFT seeking export authorisation for fertilizers need not to apply afresh. Such applications will be shared with the Department of Fertilizers and that Department shall issue permission / NoC, in terms of revised policy / procedure.

(Issued from F.No.01/91/180/13/AM-17/Export Cell)


Chapter 32

Tanning or Dyeing Extracts; Tannings and their Derivatives; Dyes, Pigments and other Colouring Matter; Paints and Varnishes; Putty and other Mastics; Inks

Note 1 Value added products of Red Sanders wood in this chapter require a licence and CITES documentation. For detail, see Chapter 44.”


Chapter 33

Essential Oils and Resinoids; Perfumery, Cosmetic or Toilet preparations



Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


3301 29 37


Sandalwood oil



Export permitted under license. For detail policy see Chapter 44.

Subject to Quantitative ceilings and conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time. For detail policy see chapter 44

[Strikethrough words deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Chapter 35

Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction




Gelatine, edible grade and not elsewhere specified or included


Export of the item produced from animal by-products allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.

[34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 – SNos 171, 172, 173 in Chapter 35 substituted and new entries at Sl. No. 172A, 173A, 173B, 173C inserted]




Glues derived from bones, hides and similar items and fish glues










Peptones; Others















Trypsin, Chymotrypsin, Trypsin-Chymotrypsin Mix





Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives; casein glues



Export permitted under licence Not permitted to be exported[Substituted by 112-Ntfn(RE)/01.05.2012]

Ø <Casein and Casein Products Export Permitted under Licence– 112-Ntfn(RE)/01.05.2012(DINDEX Code 1213)>. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 35

Note 1 Export of 'Milk products including casein and casein products etc. 'have been made free vide Notification No. 31 (RE - 2012)/2009-2014 New Delhi, Dated: 4th February, 2013. Export of the above processed and/or value added agricultural products will be exempted from any restriction / ban even in the event of restriction / ban on the export of basic farm produce.

Note 1 Transitional arrangements under para 1.5 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14 shall not be applicable on export of casein and casein derivatives.

Note 2 Export consignments of casein and casein derivatives which were handed over to customs for examination and export on or before 18.02.2011 will be allowed for export.

Note 3 Export of excise verified stock of 1053.625 MS of Casein manufactured before 18.02.2011 permitted.

[Export Licensing Note amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Chapter 38

Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Note 1 Value added products of red sanders wood in this chapter require a licence. For detail, see Chapter 44

Chapter 40

Rubber and Articles thereof


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


4014 10 10


Condoms except categories /brands mentioned at (a) and (b) below which are not allowed for export


Export freely permitted subject to submission to Customs , a self declaration and a certificate issued by statutory Auditors that no concession/subsidy has been claimed for intended exports nor any subsidized material has been used for manufacture of items under export

(a) Any condom with any of the following marking/Stamp


Not permitted to be exported.

i. “Made specially for Govt. of India”; or

ii. “Sold under Contraceptive Social Marketing Programme of Govt. of India”;

iii. “Free supply”;

iv. “Central Govt. supply- Not for sale”; or

v. “Not for export outside India”; and /or

(b) the following specific brands of condoms:-


Not permitted to be exported.

i. Ahsaas

ii. Bliss

iii. Deluxe Nirodh

iv. Dream

v. Masti

vi. Milan

vii. Mithun

viii. Mauj

ix. Nirodh

x. New Lubricated Nirodh

xi. Pick Me

xii. Sangam

xiii. Super Deluxe Nirodh

xiv. Sawan

xv. Tamanna

xvi. Umang

xvii. Ustad

xviii. Zaroor

xix. Anand

xx. Thrill

xxi. Sparsh

xxii. Sathi




Whole hides and skins of weight exceeding 16 kg.: Of Buffalo

[47-Ntfn/31.01.2018 – SNo. 175A deleted;
34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 – SNo. 175A inserted]


Export of the item produced from animal by-products allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.

Chapter 41

Raw Hides and Skins (other than Furskins) and leather

Note 1: Finished leather of goat, sheep and bovine animals and of their young ones" means the leather which complies with the terms and conditions specified in the Public Notice of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No.21/2009-14 dated 01.12.2009, under the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (22 of 1992).


Tariff item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


4104 11 00, 4104 19 00, 4104 41 00, 4104 49 00, 4105 10 00, 4105 30 00, 4106 21 00, 4106 22 00, 4106 31 00, 4106 32 00, 4106 40 00, 4106 91 00, 4106 92 00, 4107 11 00, 4107 12 00, 4107 19 00, 4107 91 00, 4107 92 00, 4107 99 00


Finished leather all kinds


Subject to the definition of finished leather at Note 1




Dog Chews

[47-Ntfn/31.01.2018 – SNo. 176A deleted;
34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 – SNo. 176A inserted]


Export of the item produced from animal by-products allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions:

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Fanners Welfare, Government of India.

Export Licensing note of Chapter 41

Note 1 The definition of finished leather is contained in Public Notice No.21/2009-14 dated 01.12.2009. The same is reproduced at Appendix 4 of this schedule.

Exp 50.9        Revised Quality Norms for Finished Leather Exports

[Ref: DGFT Public Notice No. 21 dated 1st December 2009]

Subject: Export of Finished Leather- Revised Leather Norms

In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No 22 of 1992) , the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby specifies, for the purpose of theentry “Finished Leather all kinds” appearing at Serial No:176, Chapter 41,Schedule 2 – Export Policy, of the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14,that the items mentioned in column 2 of the table hereunder shall constitute “Finished Leather” and the same may be exported without a license but subject to the terms and conditions specified against each item in column 3 of the table hereunder.”



Description of item

Manufacturing Norms Conditions.





Leathers with finishing coat (All substrates– Goat and Sheep skins and Bovine hides/sides calf skins including splits)

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing (optional)

c. Fatliquoring

d. Finishing coat


Suede Leathers (All substrates including splits)


b.Dyeing in light/pastel/medium/dark shades (in case of doubt, thepresence of dye to be ascertained by chromatographic technique)


d. Buffing to produce suede nap

e. Shaving/snuffing of the grain along the backbone 2 inches on either side in the case of goat and sheep skins andinthe case of bovine hides/sides and calf skins all over the grain side


Nubuck Leathers(All substrates including butts and bends)

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing in light/pastel/medium/dark shades (in case of doubt, the presence of dye to be ascertained by chromatographic technique)

c. Fatliquoring

d. Buffing on the grain to produce nap with writing effect(or) Buffing on the grain and presence of oil in the case of oil nubuckeather


Bovine hides/sides based Lining Leathers:

Thickness less than or equal to 1.0 mm

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing in light/pastel/medium/dark shades (in the case of doubt, the presence of dye to be ascertained by chromatographic technique

c. Fatliquoring


Gloving leathers (All substrates):

Thickness should be less than or equal to 1.0 mm and run should beminimum of 15%

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing (optional)

c. Fatliquoring

d. Wax coat


Burnishable Leathers (All substrates including butts and bends)

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing in light/pastel/medium/dark shades (in case of doubt, the presence of dye to be ascertained by chromatographic technique)

c. Fatliquoring

d. Wax coat

e. Burnishable effect on rubbing (Minimum CIE ∆L value of –5.0 on 10 dry rubbing on SATRA Fastness testeror any other fastness tester as measured on a Reflectance spectrophotometer)


Pull Up Leather – Wax/Oil (All substrates including butts and bends)

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing in light/pastel/medium/dark shades(in caseofdoubt, the presence of dye to be ascertained by chromatographictechnique)

c. Fatliquoring

d. Wax coat (or) Oil coat

e. Pull up effect (Minimum CIE ∆L value of +5.0 as measured on areflectance spectrophotometer)


Heavy Leathers including sole leather, harness and belting leathers(Bovine hides/sides including butts and bends)

Heavy substance with thickness of 3.0 mm or more and with minimum of apparent density 0.9 gm/cc)

a. Vegetable Tanning

b. Oiling/stuffing

c. Rolling / Plating


Hair/wool on leathers (All substrates including rabbit skins)

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing(optional)

c. Fatliquoring

d. Wool/hair combing


Laminated Leathers (All substrates including splits)

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing(optional)

c. Fatliquoring

d. Application of foil/film/lamination


Chamois Leathers (All substrates)

a. Aldehyde and fish oil combination tanning

b. Buffing to produce suede nap

c. Complete shaving/snuffing of the grain


Shrunken Grain/Washed leathers (All substrates).

Should havepronounced change in the grain pattern/textureof grain

a. Tanning

b. Dyeing (in the case of doubt, the presence of dye to be ascertained bychromatographic technique

c. Fatliquoring

d. Wax coat


Wax/Oil coated leathers


b.Dyeing in medium/dark shades

c. Fatliquoring

d.Wax coat (or) Oil Coat

Note: Any new type of finished leather not covered under the above categories shall be permitted for export, subject to testing and certification by Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI)

Definitions of Manufacturing Operations

Tanning – Tanning with one or more than one kind of tanning agent, such as mineral tanning and vegetable tanning and / or syntan tanning and/ or resin tanning and/or aldehyde tanning, oil tanning in any sequence and or any new type of tanning.

Dyeing – Treating the leather with a solution of dye/s to impart a colour. In case of doubt the presence of dye should be ascertained by extracting dye from leather using suitable solvent mixture and by running thin layer chromatography (TLC)

Note: 1:- Testing for the presence of dye:

Organic layer separated from Butanol, acetic acid and water mixture taken in the ratio 4: 1: 5, using a separating funnel is taken as the eluting solvent for TLC analysis.

Dye is extracted from the leather using dichloromethane and methanol (1: 1) mixture. The cut pieces of leathers are heated in a water bath with the solvent mixture for few miniutes.The extracted dye is kept as a spot on the TLC paper and the strip is kept in the eluting solvent such that the dye spot lies above the solvent level. The presence of the dye is confirmed by its movement to a considerable distance and from the formation of a dye curve or peak on the TLC paper.

Fatliquoring – Treating the leather with oil and/or fat, emulsified in water for rendering the leather soft

Finishing Coat – Finishing coat shall contain a film forming material/ binder in combination with colorants such as pigments or dyes or a combination of both. The film forming material/binder shall comprise materials singly or in combination such as proteins or synthetic acrylic or polyurethane, vinyls lacquers or lacquer emulsions.

If necessary, microscopic examination of the surface at minimum 100 times magnification shall be carried out to detect the finishing coat.

Note 2: - Microscopic examination for finish coat:

Binocular stereoscopic microscope with (two paired) objectives capable of viewing the objects at a total magnification of 100X will be required. Stereoscopic microscope gives a three dimensional view of the object.

Leather sample to be examined is placed on the stage of the microscope with the grain facing the objectives and then the surface is focused. Two or three places in each of the five locations namely butt, belly (one each side of the back bone line) and neck or shoulder examined.

To the naked eye, the grain surface may appear to be plain, but when focused under microscope, innumerable depressions can be seen on the surface. These depressions are due to cleavages lines and hair pores. If finish coat is sprayed on the grain surface, it will be present throughout, including depressed areas and both the depressed and other areas will produce the same type of reflection which is clearly visible under the microscope.

Buffing – An operation to produce a clean flesh surface to produce nap on leather by the action of emery wheel or a buffing machine

Shaving – A mechanical operation of reducing the substance of leather to uniform thickness by scrapping off layers from flesh or grain side

Snuffing – The process of buffing the grain side of leather usually done by buffing machine, with visible evidence of removal of grain

Oiling – The operation of rubbing oil on the grain side of wet or sammed leather with the object of making the leather soft and pliable; in the case of vegetable tanned leather also to protect the color of tannage from darkening by oxidation.

Wax coat – Wax particulate matter should be seen under Microscope (100x) after the application of xylene on the grain surface.

Note 3:-Microscopic examination of wax coat:

A small drop of xylene is placed on the surface of the leather. The surface is scrapped gently using a glass rod. Leather is left for 2-3 minutes. The dried leather surface is observed under microscope for the presence of wax crystals on the surface.

Burnishable Effect – Rubbing on grain surface of leather should show a distinct gloss with a darkening of the shade giving rise to a burnishing effect. Minimum CIE ∆L value of – 5.0 on 10 dry rubbing on SATRA or any other fastness tester

Pull up Effect – Leather shall produce a distinct pull-up effect showing a contrast light color from the base minimum CIE ∆L value of +5 as measured by the reflectance spectrophotometer.

Wool Combing– The operation through which wool entanglements are released.

Application of foil/film – Acrylic/ PVC/PU foil or film

Rolling – The operation of rolling the heavy leathers like sole leather using a heavy roller with rolling machine.

2.     This issues in public interest.

Ø Leather Exports only thru Chennai Sea, JNPT, Kolkata Sea, ICD Kanpur and ICD Tughlakabad - CLRI Certification Must by DGFT Public Notice No. 23 dated 13th August 2013.

Ø Leather Exports only thru Chennai Sea, JNPT, Kolkata Sea, ICD Kanpur, ICD Tughlakabad and Air Ports also by DGFT Public Notice No. 24 dated 5th September 2013.

Ø Leather Exports thru ICDs at Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata Allowed by DGFT Public Notice No. 38 dated 20th November 2013.

Ø Leather Export thru Jalandhar and Nagpur ICDs Allowed - 43-PN/28.10.2015 (DINDEX Code 6295). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Chapter 44

Wood and Articles of Wood; Wood Charcoal

Note 1 Definition of handicrafts for the purpose of classification.

(a) A handicraft must be predominantly made by hand. Machinery can also be used in the manufacturing process as a secondary process.

(b) It must be graced with visual appeal in the form of ornamentation or in-lay work or some similar work lending it an element of artistic improvement and such ornamentation must be of a substantial nature and not a mere pretence.

The classification codes for the handicrafts is only illustrative. The description can cover other headings as well.

Note 2 Prohibition on export of Muli Bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) is made ‘Free’ till 31.03.2019. Bamboo products made from bamboo obtained from legal source; except bamboo charcoal, bamboo pulp and unprocessed bamboo shoots under ITC(HS) Code 1401 10 00 are freely exportable. For details see Chapter 14 [Notification No. 11/2015-20 dated 23.06.2017].

Note 2 Mulli bamboo (Melocannabaccifera) is Prohibited. For details see chapter 14.

[Note 2 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Note 3 Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts (EPCH) is authorized to issue certificate, on demand, on the due diligence adopted by the exporters in procurement of wood from legal sources.[Note 3 inserted by 13-Ntfn(RE)/14.05.2013]

Ø DGFT Allows Exports of Sawn Timber Made from Imported Logs to Nepal through Raxaul Border - 16-Ntfn(RE)/28.07.2015


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


4401 10 00,

4401 11 10, 4401 31 00, 4401 39 00, 4401 40 00

4401 21 00, 4401 30 00


Wood and wood products in the form of logs, timber, stumps, roots, bark, chips, powder, flakes, dust, and charcoal other than saion timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber

[SNo. 177 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Not permitted to be exported


4401 11 10, 4401 12 10, 4401 11 90, 4401 12 90

4401 10 10, 4401 10 90


Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; Wood in chips or particles; Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms

[SNo. 178 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Not permitted to be exported


4402 10 10 4402 90 90
4402 00 10, 4402 00 90


Wood charcoal , whether or not agglomerated

[SNo. 179 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Not permitted to be exported. However, the prohibition on export of charcoal will not apply to Bhutan




Wood Charcoal Exports to Bhutan Permitted- 60-Ntfn(RE)/23.12.2013 (DINDEX/4709). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com




4407 19 10, 4407 11 00, 4407 19 90,

4407 10 10, 4407 10 20, 4407 10 90, 4407 29 10, 4407 29 90, 4407 99 10,
4407 96 00, 4407 99 20, 4407 99 90


Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end jointed, or a thickness exceeding 6 mm other than sawn timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber

[SNo. 180 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Not permitted to be exported


4407 19 10, 4407 11 00, 4407 19 90,

4407 10 10, 4407 10 20, 4407 10 90, 4407 29 10, 4407 29 90, 4407 99 10,
4407 96 00, 4407 99 20, 4407 99 90


Sawn Timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber of all the species of wood other than CITES Appendix I & II species.

[SNo. 181 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


(i) The Export would be confined to the species which has been imported;

(ii) The importer and exporter shall be the same firm and the import and export shall have to be effected from the same port. The scheme will be operational only from the ports of Chennai, Kandla, Kolkata, Mangalore, Mumbai, Mundra, Nhava Sheva (JNPT), Tuticorin, Vishakhapatnam, Land Customs Station (LCS) of Raxaul and the Krishnapatnam Port.. However, for this purpose, Mangalore & Tuticorin shall be treated as the same port thereby allowing importers to import wood logs from Mangalore and export the Sawn timber from Tuticorin and vice-versa. Similar facility shall also be available for Kandla, Mumbai, Mundra and Nhava Sheva (JNPT) ports thereby allowing importers to import from any of the above ports and export either from the same port or from any of the remaining three ports. For the purpose of export to Nepal, the Land Customs Station (LCS) of Raxaul and Kolkata port shall be treated as the same port thereby allowing importers to import wood logs from Kolkata port and export the Sawn timber to Nepal from the LCS of Raxaul.

(iii) The export of sawn products derived from imported logs shall not exceed 60% of the imports in volume terms;

(iv) The value addition of such exports shall be not less than 30%.

(v) The Saw Mill of the exporter, where imported timber is sawn shall be registered with the State Forest Department and shall be located away from the forest area in a location approved by the Conservator of Forests of the State Government;

(vi) The exporter must undertake exports within a period of 12 months from the date of import;

(vii) The export contracts shall be registered with the Chemicals and AlliedProducts Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL) who will monitor them to ensure that the scheme is not abused.

(viii) The laws and rules framed by the Central Government and the State Government regulating timber in transit shall be followed by the exporters.

[Condition (ii) substituted by 16-Ntfn(RE)/28.07.2015; 47-Ntfn/31.12.2018 - Krishnapatnam Port Notified for Export of Sawn Timber made Exclusively Out of Imported Wood Logs]


1211 90 50, 4403 99 22


Sanda l wood in any form, except at Sl. No. 183 to 187 below


Not permitted to be exported


4414 00 00, 4415 00 00, 4419 00 00, 4420 00 00, 4421 91 60 4421 91 90 4421 90 60, 4421 90 90


Finished Handicraft products of

(a) Sandalwood


Subject to provisions of CITES


Subject to provisions of CITES

(b) Other species

[SNo. 183 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]



4409 00 00


Machine finished sandalwood products




3301 29 37


Sandalwood Oil

Sandalwood Oil Exports Restricted, Removed from Free List - Notification 15/2015-2020 dated 5 July 2017 (DINDEX Code 7843)


Export permitted under licence


1211 90 50, 4401 31 00, 4401 39 00, 4401 40 00

4401 30 00


Sandalwood De-oiled Spent Dust

[SNo. 186 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Export permitted under licence subject to conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time.


1211 90 50, 4403 99 22, 4409 00 00


Other forms of sandalwood, namely:

(a) dust/ flakes obtained as wood scrap I waste after the manufacturing process by manufacturer exporter of value added  sanda lwood handicraft products and machine finished sandal wood products


Export permitted under licence subject to conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time.








(b) machine finished chips manufactured from cracked  portions of sandalwood billets (each finished chips not exceeding 50 gms per piece)





(c)  powder obtained from wood scrap I waste after the manufacturing of  handicraft products and  machine finished goods of sandalwood





(d) small pieces of sandalwood (each piece not exceeding 20  gms) obtained from wood scrap I waste after  manufacturing of  handicraft I machine finished sanda l wood products.





(e) sandalwood powder produced from sandal wood wood scrap/waste





(f)  any other item of sandalwood as may   be specified by DGFT in consu ltation with MOEF&CC.

[SNo. 187 amended  by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018;





37-Ntfn/27.01.2017 – SNos. 182 to 187 substituted]




4403 99 18, 4407 99 90


Red Sanders wood (RSW) in any form, whether raw, processed or unprocessed, except at Sl. No. 188A [of cultivation origin obtained from private land (including Pattaland)] and Sl. No.189 [specified value added products of RSW and other handicrafts made from RSW procured from legal sources] below


Not Export permitted to be exported.

However, one time relaxation has been granted to Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI),Govt. pf Tamil Nadu, Govt. of Maharashtra and Government pf Karnataka for export of 498.095 MTs, 1200 MTs, 299.732 MTs, 83.40 MTs and 186.588 MTs respectively of Red Sanders wood (in log form) obtained out of confiscated/seized stock, either by itself or through any entity/entities so authorized by them.

Government of Andhra Pradesh and DRI Notification No. Notification No. 47 dated 24.10.2013 read with Noti No. 24 dated 29.08.2016 and Noti No. 08/2015-20 dated 23.05.2017.

Govt. of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu Notification No. 25/2015-20 dated 02.09.2016] Govt. of Karnataka: Notification No. 40/2015-20 dated 27.11.2017].


Not permitted to be exported. However, one time relaxation has been granted to Govt. of Andhra Pradesh, Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), Govt. of Tamil Nadu, Govt. of Maharashtra and Government of Karnataka for export of 8498.095 MTs, 1200 MTs, 299.732 MTs, 83.40 MTs and 186.588 MTs respectively of Red Sanderswood (in log form) obtained out of confiscated/seized stock, either by itself or through any entity / entities so authorized by them.

The condition stipulated in Column 5 against S. No. 188 of Chapter 44 of Schedule 2 of the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items shall be relaxed to allow export of 186.588 MT 383.132 MT of Red Sanders wood, in the form of log, obtained out of confiscated/seized stock from the Police and Forest Departments, State Government of Karnataka State Governments of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu.

[SNo. 188 amended by DGFT Ntfn 56 dated 18.02.2019; Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018;

40-Ntfn/27.11.2017; 25-Ntfn/02.09.2016 – Condition amended]; DGFT Releases Red Sanders Wood Export Quota of 186.588 MTs for Karnataka - Notification No. 40/2015-2020 dated 27 November 2017]


4403 99 18
4407 99 90


Red Sanders wood in log form and roots, exclusively of cultivation origin obtained from private land (including Pattaland)


Export permitted under license subject to the following conditions /documentation :

(i) Applications for export license should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate of origin issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (PCCF) of the State from where the stocks were procured / exported, giving details of the ate of procurement from legal sources and quantities procured;

(ii) A certificate of the current position of stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the PCCF, should also accompany application for export license.

(iii) The applications shall be considered on merits for issue of export license, which shall be subject to any other conditions such a s MEP, quantity ceilings requirements under CITES, etc. as may be prescribed from time to time;

(vi) As per the recommendation of CITES Management Authority India, the MOEF&CC will fix an early quota, which may be reviewed based on NDF study or recommendations of the Government agencies;

[SNo. 188A inserted by DGFT Ntfn 56 dated 18.02.2019]


3203 00 90, 3805 10 10, 9202 10 00, 9202 90 00, 9205 10 00, 9205 90 90, 9208 10 00, 9208 90 00, 9203 00 10, 9203 00 90, 9204 10 00, 9204 20 00, 9206 00 00, 9208 10 00, 9208 20 00, 9209 92 00, 9209 93 00, 9209 94 00, 9209 99 00, 9403 90 00, 4420 90 90, 4421 90 90


Value added products of Red Sanders wood such as Chips, Powder, Extracts, Dyes, Musical Instruments, Parts of Musical Instruments, Furniture, Parts of various sizes of furniture (maximum cross section: sizes: 15 cm x 15 cm; Planks: 20 cm x 7.5 cm and maximum length 2.5 Mtrs), toys, dolls & other handicrafts made from Red Sanders wood procured from legal sources (i) from confiscated/seized material auctioned by Government Agencies; (ii) from cultivation origin obtained from private land (including Pattaland).

[SNo. 189 amended by DGFT Ntfn 56 dated 18.02.2019;
Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018;

Item description substituted by 54-Ntfn(RE)/03.12.2013]


Export permitted under license subject to the following conditions/documentation:

(i) Applications for export license should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate of origin issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests {PCCF) of the State from where the stocks were procured/ exported, giving details of the date of procurement from legal sources and quantities procured;

(ii) A certificate of the current position of stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the PCCF should also accompany application for export licence;

(iii) The applications shall be considered on merits for 1ssue of Export Licence, which 15hall be subject to any other renditions such as MEP, quantity ceilings requirements under CITES, etc. as may be prescribed from time to time.

Exports permitted under licence subject to the following documentation:

Applications for export licences should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate of origin issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests of the State from where the stocks were procured, giving details of the date of procurement from legal sources and quantities procured. A Certificate of the current position of stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, should also accompany application for export licence.

The applications shall be considered on merits for issue of Export Licence, which shall be subject to any other conditions such as MEP, quantity ceilings requirements under CITES, etc. as may be prescribed from time to time.

Ø Value Added Products of Red Sanders Wood Chips, Powder, Furniture, Toys, Dolls and Handicrafts Export Restricted - 54-Ntfn(RE)/03.12.2013 (DINDEX/4642) See details in www.worldtradescanner.com

Chapter Licensing Note:

Note: 1 Prohibition on export of wood charcoal at Sl. No. 179 of Chapter 44 will not apply in case of export to Bhutan.

[Note 1 inserted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Exp 50.10   Red Sanders Wood Export Quota of 9784.1363 MTs Released

Ø  Govt Gives More Time to Complete Modalities for Red Sanders Export Quota upto 30 April 2015 – 96-Ntfn(RE)/05.11.2014 (DINDEX Code 5497). See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø  Govt Gives More Time to Complete Modalities for Red Sanders Export Quota upto 30 April 2016 - 06-Ntfn(RE)/06.05.2015 (DINDEX Code 5895)

Ø  DGFT Releases Red Sanders Wood Export Quota of 9698.095 MTs (8498 for AP + 1200 for DRI) - More Time to AP Govt to use Export Quota upto 30 April 2017 - DGFT Violates its Own Undertaking to Madras High Court in 2007 No Further Export will be Allowed in Log form, Only Value Add Handicrafts Allowed – 24-Ntfn/29.08.2016 (DINDEX Code 7157).

Ø  DGFT Releases Red Sanders Wood Export Quota of 383.132 MTs (83.40 MTs for Maharashtra and 299.732 MTs for Tamil Nadu) – 25-Ntfn/02.09.2016 (DINDEX Code 7179).

Ø  <More Time for Red Sanders Export Quota - 08-Ntfn/23.05.2017 (DINDEX Code 7765)>

[DGFT Notification No. 47 dated 24th October 2013 as amended by 24-Ntfn/29.08.2016; 25-Ntfn/02.09.2016; 40-Ntfn/27.11.2017]

Subject: Relaxation in export policy for export of Red Sanders wood.

In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992, as amended, read with paragraph 1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14 the Central Government hereby makes the following amendments in respect of Sl. No. 188 of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items as under:

"The condition stipulated in Column 5 against S. No.188 of Chapter 44 of Schedule 2 of the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items shall be relaxed to allow export of 186.588 MT of Red Sanders wood in the form of log, obtained out of confiscated/seized stock by the Police and Forest Departments, State Government of Karnataka".

2. (i) Government of Karnataka is hereby permitted to export 186.588 MTs of Red Sanders wood in log form, either by itself or through any entity/entities, so authorized by them, for the purpose.

(ii) Such entity/entities or Government of Karnataka, as the case may be, shall be granted export authorization by the concerned Regional Authority of DGFT upon production of quantity allocation letter from the State Government of Karnataka.

3. State Government of Karnataka shall finalize the modalities including allocation of quantities to various entities, as applicable, for export of the balance quantity of Red Sander wood and shall complete the whole process of export latest by 31st December 2019 30th April 2019.

[12-Ntfn/29.07.2019 – Date Extended to 31.12.2019 from 30.04.2019;
48-Ntfn/03.01.2019 - Para 3 amended]

3. State Government of Karnataka shall finalize the modalities including allocation of quantities to various entities, as applicable, for export of the respective quantities within 6 months of issue of this notification and such export must be completed within 6 months thereafter. The whole process of export shall be completed within twelve months from the date of issue of this Notification.

[DGFT Releases Red Sanders Wood Export Quota of 186.588 MTs for Karnataka - Notification No. 40/2015-2020 dated 27 November 2017]

 “The condition stipulated in Column 5 against S. No.188 of Chapter 44 of Schedule 2 of the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items shall be relaxed to allow export of 9784.1363 MT of Red Sanders wood, in the form of log obtained out of confiscated/seized stock from the Government of Andhra Pradesh & Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI)”.

2.   (i) Government of Andhra Pradesh is hereby permitted to export 8498.095 MT of Red Sanders wood in log form / value added form either by itself or through any entity / entities so authorized by them for the purpose.

(ii) Such entity/entities or Government of Andhra Pradesh, as the case may be, shall be granted export authorization by the concerned Regional Authority of DGFT upon production of quantity allocation letter from Government of Andhra Pradesh.

3.   (i) Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) is hereby permitted to export 1200 MTs of Red Sanders wood in log form, either by itself or through any entity/entities so authorized by them for the purpose.

(ii) Such entity/entities or DRI, as the case may be, shall be granted export authorization by the concerned Regional Authority of DGFT upon production of quantity allocation letter from DRI.

4(a) Government of Andhra Pradesh shall finalize the modalities, including allocation of quantities to their authorized entities for export of Red Sanders wood and shall complete the whole process of export latest by 31st December 2019 30th April, 2019. This shall be subject to such orders as passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Madras or such submissions as made before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras in WP No. 29273 of 2007 or such orders as passed by any other court, if any.

4(b) Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) shall finalize the modalities, including allocation of quantities to their authorized entities for export of the Red Sanders wood and shall complete the whole process of export latest by 30thApril, 2018  30thApril, 2019 31st December 2019. This shall be subject to such orders as passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Madras or such submissions as made before the Hon’ble High Court of Madras in WP No. 29273 of 2007 or such orders as passed by any other court, if any.

[12-Ntfn/29.07.2019 – Date Extended to 31.12.2019 from 30.04.2019;
Paragraph 4 substituted by 06-Ntfn(RE)/06.05.2015; DGFT Notification No. 08 dated 23rd May 2017]

5.   Prohibition on export of red sanders wood has been relaxed for export of 9698.095 MT (8498.095 MT for Govt. of Andhra Pradesh + 1200 MT for DRI) of red sanders wood.

Exports already made by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh under Notification No. 47 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 24.10.2013 as well as those made under Public Notice No. 42 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 03.12.2013 will be subsumed under the revised quantity of 8498.095 MT being allocated to the Govt. of Andhra Pradesh under the present Notification.

State Governments of Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu shall finalize the modalities including allocation of quantities to various entities, as applicable, for export of the respective quantities and shall complete the whole process of export latest by 31st December 2019 31st August, 2018 30thApril, 2019.

[12-Ntfn/29.07.2019 – Date Extended to 31.12.2019 from 30.04.2019;
08-Ntfn/23.05.2017; 12-Ntfn/29.07.2019 (DINDEX Code 7765)]

Effect of this notification:

(1) Exports of value added products (VAP) of Red Sanders wood by Government of Andhra Pradesh, either by itself or through any entity/ entities so authorised by them for the purpose, shall be completed by 30th April, 2018. [08-Ntfn/23.05.2017 (DINDEX Code 7765)]

(ii) Public Notice No. 42 (RE-2013)/2009-2014 dated 03.12.2013 is superseded.

(iii)  Time upto 30.04.2017 has been allowed to the Government of Andhra Pradesh & Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) to finalize the modalities and complete the process of export of respective allocated quantity of Red Sanders wood.


Chapter 47

Pulp of Wood or of other Fibrous Cellulosic Material; Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


4701 00 00


Mechanical wood pulp


Not permitted to be exported


4702 00 00


Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades


Not permitted to be exported


4703 00 00


Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, other than dissolving grades


Not permitted to be exported


4704 00 00


Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grade


Not permitted to be exported


4705 00 00


Semichemical Wood Pulp


Not permitted to be exported


4707 00 00


Waste paper


Export permitted under licence

Chapter 50



Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


5001 00 00


Pure races of Silk worms; silkworm seeds, and silk worm cocoons


Export permitted under licence


Chapter 52



Tariff Item HS Code


Item of Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction




Cotton neither carded nor combed


Registration requirement for export of cotton has been dispensed with.




Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garneted stock)






Cotton, carded or combed






Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight or cotton not put up for retails sale


Registration requirement for export of cotton has been dispensed with.




Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85% by weight or cotton not put up for retails sale


Registration requirement for export of cotton has been dispensed with.




Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),put up for retail sale

Substituted by DGFT Notification No. 102 and 103-Ntfn(RE)/08.12.2014 (DINDEX Code 5593) – Cotton and Cotton Yarn Export Contract Registration with DGFT Dropped. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.


Registration requirement for export of cotton has been dispensed with.

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 52

Note 1 Export of 5,000 bales of Assam Comilla Cotton [ITC(HS) Code 52010012] will be exempted from any export restriction during the cotton season 2011-12 subject to registration with DGFT.Registration Certificate for such exports will be valid for 30 days only.

[Export Licensing Note deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]

Substituted by 18-Ntfn(RE)/01.10.2012 (DINDEX Code 1643)-Assam Comilla Cotton Exempted from Export Restriction upto 5000 Bales - RC will be Valid for 30 Days. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Ø Cotton Exports Registration Continued in New Notification w.e.f. 1 October 2012 – 17-Ntfn(RE)/01.10.2012 [DINDEX Code 1642 )

Ø Cotton Exports Contract Registration Raised to 30,000 Bales - Ludhiana, Rajkot and Vizag RAs Allowed for RCs; Applying Multiple RCs Allowed – 26-Ntfn(RE)/30.11.2012 [DINDEX Code 1799].

Ø  Cotton Export Registration Procedure Relaxed for Public Sector Cotton Corp - [DGFT Notification No. 32 dated 2nd August 2013]

Ø Payment Detail of LC or FIRC Must for Cotton RC Applications - DGFT Trade Notice No. 02 dated 10th May 2012

Ø Cotton Export to be Controlled on Actual Weight in Kg, with 170 kg Standard - DGFT Trade Notice No. 03 dated 24th May 2012. See details in www.worldtradescanner.com.

Chapter 84

Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery and Mechanical Appliances; Parts thereof

Note 1 Vintage motor cars and vintage motor cycles including their parts and components are restricted. For details please see chapter 87.


Chapter 85

Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery and Mechanical Appliances; Parts thereof

Export of Electronic Cigarettes (E - Cigarettes) including all forms of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, Heat not burn products, e-hookah and the like devices, by whatever name called and whatever shape, size or form it may have, but not including any product licensed under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 or any parts or components thereof such as refill pods, atomisers, cartridges etc under Chapter 85 ITC (HS) code 8543 is prohibited in accordance with the Prohibition of Electronic Cigarettes (Production, Manufacture, Import, Export, Transport, Sale, Distribution, Storage and Advertisement} Ordinance 2019.

[22-Ntfn/30.09.2019 – Chapter 85 inserted (Export of E-Cigarette Devices and their Parts Banned)]


Chapter 87

Vehicles other than Railway or Tramway Rolling Stock, and Parts and Accessories thereof


Tariff Item HS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


8703 21 10, 8703 21 91, 8703 22 10, 8703 22 91, 8703 23 91, 8703 24 10, 8703 24 91, 8407 33 10, 8407 34 10, 8706 00 11, 8706 00 39, 8707 10 00, 8708 10 90, 8708 29 00, 8708 99 00  8708 39 00, 8708 40 00, 8708 50 00, 8708 60 00, 8708 70 00, 8708 80 00, 8708 91 00, 8708 92 00, 8708 93 00, 8708 94 00, 8708 99 00


Vintage motor cars, parts and components thereof manufactured prior to 1.1.1950

[SNo. 203 amended by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018]


Export permitted under licence


8711 00 00, 8407 31 10, 8407 32 10, 8407 33 20, 8714 10 10, 8714 10 90, 8714 11 00, 8714 19 00, 8714 91 00, 8714 92 90, 8714 93 90, 8714 95 90, 8714 99 90


Vintage Motorcycles, parts and components thereof manufactured prior to 1.1.1940


Export permitted under licence

Chapter 92 - Musical Instruments Parts and Accessories of such articles

Note 1 Value added products of red sanders wood in this chapter require a licence. For detail, see Chapter 44.


Chapter 93 - Arms and Ammunition; Parts and Accessories thereof


Tariff ItemHS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


9302 00 00, 9303 00 00, 9306 21 00, 9306 29 00, 9306 30 00, 9306 90 00


Muzzle loading weapons


(a) Licence under Armsand Rules framed thereunder;

(b) Certificate from the Archaeological Survey of India certifying that the firearms to be exported are not antiques/rare specimens nor manufactured in India prior to 1956;and

(c) Firearms to be exported shall bear appropriate marks of identification and proof tests


9303 10 00, 9306 21 00, 9306 29 00, 9306 30 00, 9306 90 00


Weapons and breach loading or bolt action weapons such as shotguns, revolvers,pistols and their ammunition


(a) Licence under Armsand Rules framed thereunder;

(b) Certificate from the Archaeological Survey of India certifying that the firearms to be exported are not antiques/rare specimens nor manufactured in India prior to 1956;and

(c) Firearms to be exported shall bear appropriate marks of identification and proof tests




Other: Worked bone (excluding whale bone) and articles thereof


Export of the item produced from animal by-products allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions :

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.









Worked horn, coral and other animal carving material and articles thereof





Buttons and Button Blanks

[SNo. 206A deleted by DGFT Ntfn 47 dated 31.01.2018;

34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 – SNo. 206A Inserted]


Chapter 96 - Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles


Tariff ItemHS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction




Empty Gelatin capsules not intended for human consumption

[34-Ntfn/13.01.2017 – SNo. 207 substituted]


Export of the item produced from animal by-products allowed freely but export to European Union allowed subject to the following conditions :

(i) A 'Shipment Clearance Certificate' is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, Plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (name of the port) and destination

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a 'Health Certificate' consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of the product with HS Code, packaging, its origin, destination, vessel name, date of departure, health requirements, etc. This Health Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India.

Chapter 97 - Works of Art, Collectors’ Pieces and Antiques


Tariff ItemHS Code


Item Description

Export Policy

Nature of Restriction


9705 00 90, 9706 00 00


Replicas of antique weapons


Certificate from the District Magistrate concerned/Commissioner of Police under whose jurisdiction the replica has been manufactured and has been rendered innocuous.

[Appendices to the Export Policy is available at our website www.worldtradescanner.com]